Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2522 Be convinced even if you are not convinced

Han Wenwen hung up the phone, her heart feeling cold.

If she doesn't understand what's going on now, she's really a fool.

The public relations department of Li's chaebol suddenly said that the interruption of cooperation with EZ must have been ordered by brother Jue, and the reason why brother Jue was willing to tear up the long-standing friendship between the two families and slap her in the face must have something to do with her.

EZ needs this contract so much.

Her grandfather still didn't know that this matter was related to her, and he could still talk to her properly. If he knew... she couldn't imagine the consequences at all.

Her grandpa has more than one grandson, and has a lot of grandchildren. However, she has been with her grandpa since she was a child, and her relationship is deeper than others, and she only gets so many resources.

Once she causes a big trouble and her grandfather becomes disappointed in her, she will lose any competitive advantage.

Han Wenwen turned pale and walked out in a daze. After listening to the opening speech in a daze, her mind was in a mess.

Even when the people next to her spoke to her, she didn't hear them.

"Sister Wenwen, why did it take you so long to go to the bathroom? The dinner has already started. Young Master Li is so handsome, even more handsome in a suit. Today is really a feast for the eyes, isn't it? It's a pity that Young Master Li is married, eh..."

"Really handsome."

"His son is also very handsome. He is a completely smaller version of Mr. Li. His facial features are a little softer than Mr. Li's, but his temperament is exactly the same. It's so eye-catching to have one big and one small standing together."

"Seriously, don't you think Habsden's daughter is pretty good too? She has a gentle temperament and is just right to stand next to Young Master Li. If she were to be replaced by someone brighter and stronger, I don't think it would match her. One strong and one soft is just right."

Tonight's farce helped Chi Enen win a lot of favor, and many people changed their views on her. "It's really just right. The two of them are actually quite compatible. Their family backgrounds are well matched in every aspect."

"The Habsden family is also a top wealthy family. It seems that few can compare with the Habsden family. The Jin family can only barely compare."

"So, they are well-matched, and they are not just climbing onto a high tree."

These words were like needles piercing Han Wenwen's heart. No matter how unwilling she was, she could only admit that these people were telling the truth.

The marriage between Habsden and Li is definitely a strong alliance.

No one is trying to outdo anyone!

But no matter how his family background was, Chi Enen was not worthy of Brother Jue! Brother Jue is so outstanding, but that woman wants to have academic qualifications but not academic qualifications, looks but not looks, she is not convinced!

Han Wenwen clenched her fists. Suddenly, she felt a mocking gaze looking at her from the front left. She subconsciously looked over and saw Jin Zhiyuan's beautiful and proud look.

Han Wenwen froze, and the nightmare-like shame she felt in the bathroom just now came back.

She instantly forgot her previous dissatisfaction and became irritable again.

"...Tonight, I hope everyone has a pleasant night." Li Beijue's speech was very simple. He just briefly introduced several of Li's major projects this year and looked into the future, and that was it.

As soon as he finished speaking, the host immediately announced that the dinner had begun.

According to the rules, the first opening dance is performed by the host of the party.

Li Beijue walked up to Chi Enen without any suspense. Under the spotlight, he extended his hand to Chi Enen in an aristocratic manner and invited her, "Beautiful lady, can you dance with me?"

He was wearing a smoothly tailored suit that made him look tall and elegant. The gesture of extending his hand to invite him was really radiant, as if the prince in a fairy tale extended his hand to the princess——

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