Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2523 Going to the bathroom again!

"Wow, it looks like an idol drama."

"Young Master Li is so handsome."

"Really, he's so handsome. If such a handsome man invites me to dance, let alone dance, I'll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

"Pull him down. You still want to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Mr. Li doesn't want to go with you, hehe."

"Don't you want to?"

"Hahaha, I didn't say I didn't want to. I don't want Mr. Li to go with you. If you want to go, of course you have to go with me~"

Han Wenwen's face turned pale when she heard the envious voices around her. She didn't know how she insisted on standing here. She looked at the golden girl on the dance floor and prayed in her heart that Chi Enen would be embarrassed while dancing. However, her fantasy came true. Chi Enen danced perfectly, with standard dancing and outstanding temperament. It’s completely impossible to tell that she didn’t even know what a waltz was before.

Han Wenwen's silver teeth were about to be crushed. Her eyes were blazing as she stared at Chi Enen, the center of the dance floor, the focus of the audience. Her nails dug into her flesh without even noticing.

At the same time, Jin Zhiyuan's oppressive eyes kept falling on her, making her dare not move rashly, and every nerve was tense and uncomfortable.

After the song finally ended, the host officially announced the start of the dinner.

Many people joined hands and entered the dance floor.

There were many people dancing and talking with champagne. The girl next to Han Wenwen smiled and held her arm, "Sister Wenwen, let's go over there and get a glass of champagne."

She stuck out her tongue and said coquettishly and sheepishly, "Get some food by the way, I'm a little hungry."

Which socialite would eat at a party? Han Wenwen was disdainful in her heart, but she put on a gentle fake smile and said, "My lipstick is a little off. I want to go to the bathroom to touch up my makeup. Why don't you go first and I'll come find you later."

"Sister Wenwen, are you going to the bathroom again?" The girl pouted dissatisfiedly, but still let go of her arm, "Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Han Wenwen was stung by her words "I have to go to the bathroom again", and she forced a smile to show that she understood. He hurriedly put his handbag under his arm and walked away.

The girl watched her figure and couldn't help but said to the girl next to her, "Amy, do you think Sister Wenwen is a little weird tonight? In less than half an hour, she has already gone to the bathroom twice. . I just saw that her lipstick is not stained. What should I touch up?"

Next to her was a blond beauty with a cheerful personality. Hearing this, he rolled his eyes and complained impatiently, "How do I know? You like her and I don't like her. You're trying to die." , I hate girls who are pretentious and fake."

"Well, if you don't know, you don't know. Amy, come with me to get the cake. I saw the mousse cake, which looks delicious. There is also the chocolate black forest you like, I will get you one. "

"You don't want to be a lady when you eat at a banquet?"

"Didn't you say you don't like girls who are pretentious and fake? I'm called frank. Hahaha, besides, there is no food for me at the banquet today. Who can I show you, a lady? Pull it away, my male idol is already married, I Gonna overeat!”

"I've convinced you, let's go."

The prospective sister-in-law was not the real sister-in-law. The girl did not speak for Han Wenwen, but happily took the blonde beauty on her arm and went to get food with her.

Han Wenwen on the other side did not go to the bathroom to touch up her makeup as she had lied to the girl. Instead, she found the man outside who was preparing to leave with Chi Enen and Chi Baobao.

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