Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2587 Daddy and Mommy hug each other, embarrassed face

"You just need to bring your company and settle here with peace of mind. Come to and from work with me every day! For me, nothing makes me happier physically and mentally than this. With you by my side, I can do my best Create more profits!”

If Chi Enen stayed with him 24 hours a day, or somewhere he knew. His mood will be much better. With a good mood, he can work more focused.

He knows that the old guys who let Ryan sit on the board of directors of Li's headquarters will definitely be chirping, but he will use data to shut everyone up!

Chi Enen hasn't spoken yet.

Nuonuo, who was being held by Huo Yi at the side, blinked her big eyes and looked at them for a long time. Suddenly she pointed at them with a milky voice and said, "Daddy and mommy, hug me, shameless face~"

Her voice was clear and loud, with a milky sound, which startled the others.

Huo Yi, in particular, pulled her awkwardly and whispered, "Miss, this is not a shameless face."

Nuonuo didn't understand at all why he wasn't embarrassed. He blinked his big eyes and retorted loudly and loudly, "Ge Guo said that hugging means shame. There are hugs on TV, and Ge Guo doesn't let Nono watch it. "

She made a move to cover her eyes, but deliberately exposed the gaps between her fingers, looking at Chi Enen and the others openly.

"Mommy is so shy, hee hee."

Chi Enen's first reaction was to push away the man holding her waist, "Li Beijue, let me go."

"Lian settled in the Li family." His strong arms held Chi Enen tightly, giving Chi Enen no chance to break free.

Chi Enen glared at him and said angrily, "I want to think about it, you have to give me time to think about it."

"Then think about it now, I'm not in a hurry." But he didn't let go, just holding her in his arms.

He really couldn't survive without being so domineering.

Chi Enen was in embarrassment. Under Nuonuo's pure and clean eyes, she couldn't bear it any longer and let go, "I know. I know, that's all. Let me go first."

Li Beijue curled his thin lips, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his starry eyes were dazzling than obsidian, "Chi Enen, you agreed on your own. You can't change your mind after you agree!"

Chi Enen, "..."

She finally figured it out. She had to agree whether she agreed or disagree today. She sighed resignedly and said helplessly, "Yeah."

Li Beijue let her go.

Chi Enen was free, and quickly distanced himself from him, cooled off, and said, "Li Beijue, even if I want to settle here, it will take some time. I have to let them sort out their original business in Lin City."

"Would you like me to send someone to help you?" He only cared about whether she was tired.

Chi Enen shook his head, "No need, I will handle it myself. I'm just telling you."

If a company wants to move from one country to another, there are too many things that need to be done in the middle, and it will definitely not be possible to move in a short time.

Her previous plan was to organize Ryan's entertainment company first, then find a suitable office building to buy, and then slowly let the secretariat sort out Ryan's affairs and slowly move the company here.

Now that the plan was forced to change, she had no choice but to discuss it again.

"Well, anyway, the renovation and decoration on the 8th floor has not been completed yet. Take your time." Li Beijue only cares about the final result. He has no requirements on when Chi Enen can move in.

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