He also knows that it is not easy for a company to move at a moment's notice, and it will definitely take time.

He smoothly held the little woman's hand again, and held the cute little guy in his arms with his right hand. He was in a happy mood and said, "Let's go to the amusement park."

Huo Yi followed him, and the family of three drifted away...

On the other side, Lin Anxin happened to arrive at the entrance of the amusement park where Chi Enen and the others were going.

She got out of the taxi, paid the fare, lowered her hat and used her phone to search for nearby beverage shops, and finally found the coffee shop on her phone three hundred meters away.

She went in first, found a seat in the corner and sat down, and said to the waiter, "For a cup of Blue Mountain, add two sugar cubes for me. I only need this for now."

"Okay, please wait." The waiter put away the order and walked away.

She played with her phone for more than ten minutes, looking outside from time to time. She never saw the person she was waiting for, and the coffee was also served. She irritably pulled out the number on her phone and called.

"Beep..." The phone rang twice and the call was connected.

Lin Anxin immediately complained depressedly, "Director Lei, what's going on with you? I'm already here, why haven't you come yet? You shouldn't let me go, you won't be such a cheat."

The director she was talking about was Raikage, a well-known director in the entertainment industry. Raikage became famous for filming "The Assassin", and he was reluctant to win awards. Now he has become a major director in the entertainment industry.

Lin Anxin has always had a good relationship with him because they have worked together on "Assassin's Biography" before.

Today it was Raikage who took the initiative to call her and told her that he had a new script to shoot and he wanted her to play a role in it. Ask her to meet at a coffee shop, and he will bring out the script and they will read it and discuss it together. Let’s see if she is willing to take it.

Lin Anxin was in need of a good script right now. After receiving his call, he immediately called a car and came out. After waiting for a long time without seeing anyone, she couldn't help but call Raikage.

"What? You're not coming? You're tricking me. I'm already here, and now you tell me that you're not coming. You told me that you had something to do, so I'll wait for you to arrive before setting off. Depressed!" Lin Anxin was depressed. That's enough. Just as he was about to pay and leave, he paused again, "Your friend is here instead of you? Which friend? Director Li or Wang Ou? Are you sure he has the script in his hand and knows what you want to shoot. You have to find me a When a layman comes, he doesn’t understand what I say to him.”

The person on the other end of the phone who promised her was probably not a layman, so Lin Anxin's expression softened a little, "You always have to tell me whether your friend is a boy or a girl, how old he is, and how can I contact him?"

She didn't even know whether the friend he was talking about was round or flat, or what he looked like. How can I contact you later?

The thunder shadow on the other end of the phone replied to her mysteriously, "Girl Lin, don't worry, you two know each other. You will know it when you see him."

"What? What do you mean I know it when I see it?" Lin Anxin didn't know what was going on. Just when she was about to ask him, the corner of her eye suddenly caught sight of the man who had just walked in. The question in her mouth turned into blurting out, "Fuck!" !”

She actually saw Lu Zhiang!

Lin Anxin's face turned blue and white, and she almost wanted to strangle the person on the other side of the phone. "This is the friend you said! Director Lei, didn't you cheat on me?"

Can she leave now?

Lei Ying said with a guilty conscience, "Looks like someone is here, Girl Lin, please take your time and chat. I have something else to do here, so I'll hang up first. Bye."


"Beep beep." The other end of the phone hung up decisively!

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