Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2600 Block her outside the corridor

Si Shengyao watched for a long time but couldn't see the fishy relationship between the two. He snorted coldly and turned his head again, as if he had no eyes to look at them.

The car drove smoothly all the way to the outside of the amusement park.

Not far from the amusement park is the mall that Si spent a huge amount of money to build. After the car stopped, the management of the mall hurriedly greeted him.

Si Chen and Si Sheng Yao were immediately surrounded by a group of people.

Lin Anxin was not used to the flattering scene in the mall. After following Si Chen and the others to the backstage, she picked up her bag and whispered to the man who was busy socializing, "Si Chen, I'm going to the bathroom."

"You won't sneak away in the middle, you promised me to accompany me." The noble man gracefully made an apology gesture to the person in front of him, and said ambiguously in her ear.

His breath sprayed on Lin Anxin's cochlea. Lin Anxin couldn't dodge even if she wanted to. Her fair ears were blown crimson, and she lowered her voice speechlessly, "I won't run. I promised you to accompany you and I won't leave. Just went to the bathroom to touch up my makeup.”

There must be a platform for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. With Si Chen and the others having such a big battle, there might be media in the audience. Although she hasn't appeared in public for a long time, she is still a "passed" actress, so she should at least pay attention to her image.

There is definitely no way to change clothes and shoes, and it’s too late to change them. But at least put some makeup on.

When she went out, she thought the Raikage was just asking her to talk about the script today, so she just put on some casual clothes and went out, without even putting on makeup.

Now I just wear a pair of canvas shoes and look bare-faced, which is a bit too timid.

If the media wanted to capture her like this, her big manager would definitely jump up and pinch her again if he saw it.

So when you touch up your makeup, you must put on light makeup, at least put on lipstick, and don’t make yourself look so sloppy.

Seeing that she was sure and didn't look like she wanted to run away, Si Chen looked at her deeply and let her go to touch up her makeup, "I'll wait for you here."

"Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible."

Lin Anxin walked away in a hurry.

Si Chen was entangled by several people again and couldn't get away. He didn't see Si Zhihao leaving with Lin Anxin in the corner to his left.

In the bathroom.

Lin Anxin simply put on light makeup in front of the mirror, unscrewed the water pipe, washed her hands, packed her things, and went out.

As soon as she walked out of the bathroom, she was blocked in the corridor.

"Ms. Lin."

Lin Anxin cautiously distanced herself from the man in front of her, "You are..."

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Si Zhihao, and I am a fan of Miss Lin." In terms of appearance alone, Si Zhihao is not ugly.

After all, a woman who has been able to charm Si Shengyao for so many years cannot be so ugly.

But Si Zhihao obviously looks a bit like his father, so his face shape is not as smooth as Si Chen's, and has a square face like Si Sheng Yao's.

Overall, it lowered his appearance.

It seems that he is a little hypocritical.

Lin Anxin grasped the key point, "Is your surname Si?"

Si Zhihao deliberately introduced himself to his family just because she was curious. When Lin Anxin asked, he immediately made a sad expression and said hesitantly, "Yes. In fact, Mr. Si and I are blood brothers, but he has a deep misunderstanding of me now."

When Lin Anxin saw his face, she had already suspected that he was the illegitimate child. After hearing what he said again, she was basically sure.

Since the other party came to the toilet to block her, she decided to follow Si Zhihao's words and showed surprise to see what he wanted to say, "How could that be?"

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