Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2601 I always feel like you can understand me

"Because..." Si Zhihao looked hesitant, took a deep breath, looked at her again and said, "Because he misunderstood my mother."

"Huh?" He wouldn't want to say that Su Yijiu was the mistress who interfered with his parents' "great love", right?

"Is such that……"

Si Zhihao told Lin Anxin the entanglement between the three of them back then. Although the content was roughly the same, the story that came out of his mouth was completely different from what Su Yijiu told her. From the story he told, his mother was simply a kind, helpless, pitiful and affectionate woman. And Su Yijiu was the vicious woman who used her family background to forcefully separate two people who were in love. It's just like a wealthy family soap opera that her little one loves to watch.

"My mother has been trying to apologize to Mrs. Su for all these years, but Mrs. Su has always refused to see my mother. Every time she sees her, she would say bad things to her. So the misunderstanding between Si Chen and I has become deeper and deeper."

Lin Anxin couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but she held it back, blinked her eyes, and continued to maintain her "innocent tactics" in front of Si Shengyao. She interrupted him innocently and asked weakly. , "Um, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Lin An is still very beautiful, otherwise she would not be often selected as one of the most beautiful faces in the world by the media. She has restrained her personality, and when she blinks her eyes, she looks as delicate as a vixen. Si Zhihao's eyes widened when he saw it, and his voice became gentle unconsciously, "Why don't you understand?"

Lin Anxin noticed the change in the way he looked at her, and suppressed her nausea and said, "You mean that Auntie knew that your mother and Mr. Si were lovers and forcibly married Mr. Si, and she had an interference in ruining their relationship. That. But wasn’t Mr. Si the one who wanted to get married? At that time, Auntie had other choices. Mr. Si had no choice for the sake of his family fortune. "

She continued without giving Si Zhihao anything to say, "Besides, your mother and Mr. Si weren't married at that time, so this kind of meddling wouldn't be considered a mistress's interference from a moral perspective. What I think is strange is the latter part. Later, your mother knew that Knowing that Mr. Si is already married and has a wife, it is quite wrong to still be secretly with Mr. Si. "

Si Zhihao didn't expect that she spoke delicately, but every sentence was so sharp, almost to the point of tearing apart the hypocritical cloak he had covered for their extramarital affair. He twitched the corners of his mouth and forced out a sad expression. He looked at Lin Anxin and said melancholy, "I don't know if Anxin has ever fallen in love with someone. So what if a woman really falls in love with a man?" He was able to refuse. No matter how painful and torturous my heart was, I still lost to love..."

Lin An especially wanted to jump up and scold him with nonsense words about love. Being a mistress means being a mistress and still be in love. Love is amazing. Love can interfere with other people's marriages. Simply shameless. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she suppressed the impatience in her heart, and followed him and said, "...too."

She didn't want to listen to this man's nonsense anymore, raised her head, and got to the point directly, "But what's the use of telling me this? As a junior, I can't comment on who is right and who is wrong about the past of the elders."

Could it be that he wanted her to persuade Su Yijiu.

Seeing the tangled look on her face, Si Zhihao took advantage of the situation and stepped forward and said, "I know it's a bit sudden for me to tell An Xin this. I just felt a sense of intimacy when I saw you and I don't know why. I always feel that you can you got me."

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