"Auntie, right~"

"You are just a child." Pu Nanzhu scratched the bridge of her nose lovingly, and Jiang Luoer burst into laughter. The two of them seemed closer than mother and daughter.

"Uncle Si, it should be okay, right?"

Si Shengyao pondered for a moment and finally relaxed, "Okay."

"Thank you, Uncle Si, I know you love me the most." Jiang Luoer didn't care what other people thought of her, she didn't take those people seriously. Even if she was lying, no one would dare to slap her in the face anyway.

It’s impossible for Si Shengyao!

After all, in addition to being a junior, she is also a member of the Jiang family. As the third largest shareholder of the Si Group, the Jiang family will only be the target of Si Shengyao's wooing.

It was because she knew this that she brought the person here openly.

She just wanted to show Su Yijiu and Si Chen, mother and son, the consequences of humiliating her so much!

Hehe, she and Si Chen were on equal terms, and it wasn't like she was trying to compete with Si Chen. Su Yijiu took Si Chen on a blind date before the starlet around her was resolved. Seeing that the man was her type, she didn't care. But later, instead of quickly dealing with the little star, they came to tell her that Si Shenwei was interested in her. Ha~ What a joke!

Do they mean she's not as good as a little star?

After returning home, she was so angry that she smashed the bedroom to pieces. She originally wanted the family to attack Su Yijiu and the others, but instead she was scolded by her father.

When she was angry, Si Shengyao and Si Zhihao came to her door.

To be honest, compared to Si Chen, Si Zhihao is still a lot worse. In the past, she wouldn't even bother to look at someone with Si Zhihao's background.

But she really couldn't swallow the breath she had made before, and because Si Zhihao was so obedient to her and liked her so much, she reluctantly accepted it.

Now that she has chosen Si Zhihao, of course she must pave the way for Si Zhihao's future. Most importantly, she also wanted to see Su Yijiu and her son in embarrassment.

Speaking of which, she had someone call Su Yijiu to tell her that it was time to arrive.

Just as she was thinking, Cao Cao arrived.

Su Yijiu, wearing a Chanel violet suit, appeared at the door of the backstage capable and strong, and walked in directly...

There was an uproar all around.

In particular, the few people who knew the identity of Park Nanzhu around Jiang Luoer were staring at the excitement. I want to see the legendary main wife and mistress fight.

Today was wonderful. Not only the wife and mistress were present, but also the sons and future daughters-in-law of both parties were present.

The most uncomfortable person in this scene is probably Mr. Si.

Si Shengyao was indeed feeling very uncomfortable. He never expected that Su Yijiu, who had said he would not come, would suddenly come over. Even when he had just agreed to Park Nanzhu's stay, his face changed again and again, and his head suddenly hurt. .

Park Nanzhu's eyes flashed with a hint of pride, but she was very good at acting and didn't let anyone see it. Instead, she deliberately acted embarrassed, turned her head, and lowered her voice to Jiang Luo'er beside her, "Luo'er, I think I'd better go back first. Can I accompany you another day?"

Jiang Luoer has a strong personality. How could she let the people she brought go first? He immediately grabbed her and said firmly, "Auntie, don't be afraid. I'm here today and I won't let anyone bully you!"

If she wants to marry Si Zhihao in the future, Park Nanzhu will be her mother-in-law. Even for herself, she had to find a place for Park Nanzhu today. Park Nanzhu cannot be allowed to be suppressed by Su Yijiu's momentum!

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