Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2609 When they don’t exist

In a blink of an eye, Su Yijiu had already walked in front of several people.

Jiang Luo'er was ready, holding her breath and preparing to confront her head-on. Who would have thought that when Su Yijiu walked up to Si Shengyao, as if she didn't see Pu Nanzhu's presence, she directly asked Si Shengyao, "Where is Shen'er?"

"Over there." Si Shengyao looked at her with complicated eyes and paused before saying.

Su Yijiu glanced at Si Chen, passed him by, and went directly to find Si Chen and the others.

Park Nanzhu seemed to have been slapped in the face by someone in public. Her face turned red and then white, and she almost couldn't control the ferocious look on her face.

What did Su Yijiu mean? Didn't he take her into consideration?

Si Shengyao watched Su Yijiu walk away, his expression hesitated for a moment, then turned to Park Nanzhu and said, "You go back today. Didn't you mean to be the witness of Zhihao's wedding? Do you want to invite Mr. Li? I'll go to Li another day." Let’s go and see if the old master is willing to come.”

Park Nanzhu quickly raised her head and looked at him. Although she had expected that this man would let her go, she still felt humiliated when Si Shengyao really drove her away in front of so many people.

Si Shengyao looked at her injured eyes like autumn water. Although he couldn't bear it, he looked away and refused to look at her.

Pu Nanzhu looked at the man in front of her and turned away. Knowing that she had no choice but to leave, she bit her lip unwillingly and forced herself to smile, "I have nothing to do with Zhihao. Sheng Yao, do you think you can do it?" It’s convenient. If it’s convenient, it would be nice to invite Mr. Li. It doesn’t matter if Mr. Li is not available.”

The reason why she wanted Si Shengyao to invite Mr. Li here was because the Si family and the Li family were family friends.

Compared with the Si family, the Li family is at a higher level and is one of the top super chaebols in the world. If Si Zhihao could invite such a big shot to witness the wedding, it would bring glory to Si Zhihao, and she could also use this to give the Su family and Su Yijiu a boost.

Of course, no matter how urgently she needed to climb the high branches of the Li family, she was not stupid enough to show it in front of Si Shengyao. She controlled her demeanor and tone very well, and acted gentle, considerate, and reasonable. It was in sharp contrast to Su Yijiu's arrogance.

Sure enough, Si Shengyao looked at her again, his eyes becoming more regretful and he said, "Don't worry, I won't ignore you mother and son."

"Yes." She nodded heavily, with a faint glimmer of water in her eyes, as if she was touched that Si Shengyao would protect them. Her weak look could just inspire a man's protective desire.

Si Shengyao's breathing became heavier and his brows furrowed. He turned back and glanced at Su Yijiu, with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Didn't she say before that she wouldn't come over today? Why did he suddenly change his mind and come over to me without even saying hello to him?

With a helpless expression on Pu Nanzhu's face, she pulled away Jiang Luo'er's hand and said softly, "Luo'er, Auntie really can't accompany you today. Why don't you stay here and Auntie go back first. "

Jiang Luoer called someone specifically, but why was he willing to let her go? He took her arm decisively again, pouted, and said unhappily, "No, I want you to accompany me, auntie."

"But..." Pu Nanzhu glanced at Si Shengyao vaguely, and frowned in embarrassment.

Jiang Luoer immediately understood what she meant. He stood forward and said to Si Shengyao in a higher voice, "Uncle Si, didn't you just agree to let me stay with me? Why did you let her go again?"

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