Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2613 It’s no use pretending to be good at normal times

Lin Anxin also returned her passionate kiss, "Long time no see. How are you doing?"

Prada distanced herself from her, with a smile on her lips, "I'm fine. I just got off the plane yesterday. I originally wanted to invite you and Enen to dinner, but unfortunately there were too many things to do and I couldn't leave, so I had to forget it."

Lin Anxin said, "Haha, it's okay. After today's work, I'll treat you and Enen to dinner. Enen is also nearby."

"Okay." Prada agreed readily. She was not as aloof and unapproachable as the outside world said.

The two of them were chatting happily, and it seemed like they had a good relationship in private.

The others were very surprised when they saw it, and they all talked in low voices. Many people turned their attention from Lin Anxin to Jiang Luoer, looking to see what she would do.

Jiang Luoer opened her mouth and was not in the mood to pay attention to what other people were looking at her. She opened her eyes wide and unconsciously tightened her left hand on Park Nanzhu's wrist beside her, muttering absentmindedly, "How could..."

"Hmm." Pu Nanzhu groaned in pain as her wrist bones pinched by her, and Si Zhihao couldn't help but stepped forward to ask Jiang Luoer to let go. Park Nanzhu stopped her with a look.

She endured the excruciating pain in her wrist, forced out a curious expression, and asked Jiang Luo'er softly, "Luo'er, who is this person?"

"You don't know who she is?" Jiang Luoer calmed down for a moment, feeling irritated and even looking at Park Nanzhu's face felt annoying, "She is Prada, the devil in the fashion industry. You should have heard of the Prada brand. Well, she is the director of Prada and the head of this family.”

People in Y country have very long names, and they are generally called by their nickname. Prada is a surname, and only the head of the family can use this glorious surname as his own name.

Seeing that she didn't even know this, Jiang Luoer couldn't help showing a look of disdain.

Sometimes she was afraid of comparison with others. Normally, she didn't think Park Nanzhu was inferior to Su Yijiu. Sometimes she even felt dissatisfied as to why such a gentle woman like Park Nanzhu had been suppressed by Su Yijiu for so many years. But now, she suddenly understood. No matter how much she pretends to be a pheasant, it will never change the fact that she is a pheasant at heart. No matter how gentle, elegant, and well-educated Park Nam-joo is at ordinary times, at critical moments, she will reveal her vulgarity in her bones.

For example, now, as a lady, she doesn't even know Prada.

Su Yijiu has already stepped forward to say hello to Prada. It seems that the two of them know each other personally.

She couldn't help but look at Su Yijiu, who was calmly chatting with Prada, and then at the petty Pu Nanzhu next to her, and she immediately regretted it.

Park Nanzhu and Su Yijiu are far behind.

Si Zhihao and Si Chen were equally inferior.

She was too impulsive at first and should not have ignored her parents' advice and insisted on being with Si Zhihao.

It's too late to regret now.

Jiang Luoer regretted it very much, but no matter how much she regretted it, she knew that she had no way out now. Everyone in W City knew that she and Si Zhihao were getting engaged. She suddenly broke the contract at this time, which only hit her in the face.

So now no matter how much she regrets, she has no choice but to bite the bullet and go through...

"Damn it!" Si Zhihao cursed as he saw her expression changing to regret at that moment, and then looked at Si Chen with a sinister look in his eyes.

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