Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2614 It’s embarrassing and embarrassing

Jiang Luoer squeezed in front of Prada in a blink of an eye, interrupted Prada who was talking to Si Shengyao, and interrupted in a very uncivilized manner, "Hello, Ms. Prada, I am Jiang Luoer. The creative director of Si Group, nice to meet you. your turn."

Prada disliked people interrupting her when she was talking. After hearing her introduction, she suppressed her dissatisfaction and responded coldly, "Hello."

Jiang Luo'er saw that she was dissatisfied with her behavior just now, pursed her lips, and said in embarrassment, "I like your designs very much. I go to every Prada show. I still have a few sets at home. Every piece of your work is my most beloved treasure. I chose to take this path of creativity because of your influence. I am so happy to see you today! Uncle Si said that you could not come today. , I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to come, it’s such a surprise.”

When she said this, she praised Prada everywhere, and at the same time she did not forget to emphasize that she is a fan of Prada.

Prada gave her a little face, pushed up her glasses, smiled politely, and said, "Originally, I didn't plan to come over today because I still have a few show designs to finalize."

"Then why are you..." Jiang Luoer was most worried about this.

Who is Prada? She has sharp eyes. She has long seen through her irritability and anxiety hidden under her hypocritical face, and she frowned in disgust. After turning his head and glancing at Lin Anxin, he raised the corner of his mouth and said, "My spokesperson is here."

"Your spokesperson?" Jiang Luo'er was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously scanned around, but didn't see any possible person.

Her mind turned and she looked at Lin Anxin diagonally across from her in disbelief, her mouth wide open, "Is your spokesperson Lin Anxin?"

How can it be!

Lin Anxin is now surrounded by scandals and is almost semi-retired.

Even if she had no previous scandals, she would not have been able to get Prada-level endorsements at her peak.

Besides, doesn’t Prada never look for yellow spokespersons?

"My spokesperson is An Xin. She is the spokesperson I personally selected to represent my works for this issue. I am very much looking forward to her wearing the dress I designed with her as my muse. I think it will be very stunning. Prada had a serious expression with a confident smile on her face, which showed that she was really satisfied with Lin Anxin, "I didn't plan to come originally, but my spokesperson is here. I want to see it with her after the event." The layout of the venue was poor, so I temporarily put down the work at hand and took the time to come over. ”

Her words carry a lot of weight!

Anyone who knows her knows that she is a workaholic who can put down the work at hand and focus on people and things.

She said that she stopped what she was doing and came here specifically for Lin Anxin, which was enough to show how much she valued Lin Anxin, and also gave Lin Anxin a strong support!

Who dares to mention the scandals and gossip outside that are not conducive to Lin Anxin in front of her, the spokesperson whom she values ​​so much?

Jiang Luoer's face turned blue, white, and purple. She didn't expect Lin Anxin to have such a relationship with Prada, and even won the endorsement of Prada's personal show, but it has never been announced to the public.

Her face felt as if someone had slapped her hard in the face, it was burning.

Damn it, Lin Anxin deliberately dug a hole for her to jump into, but she actually jumped in stupidly!

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