In the end, Lin Anxin was specially invited to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony as the spokesperson of the Prada brand show. However, Jiang Luoer didn't have this reason, so of course she couldn't ask Park Namjoo to come on stage.

Almost all the media on the stage surrounded Lin Anxin and asked questions.

Jiang Luo'er sat next to her as if he had become invisible, and all the light was suppressed by Lin Anxin. Her teeth were itching with jealousy, and she secretly clenched the hand she had placed on the stage, not even knowing that her nails were digging into her flesh.

As soon as the ribbon-cutting ceremony ended, she immediately left with an ugly expression. He didn't even say hello to Si Zhihao, his expression was as embarrassed as if he had swallowed a fly.

"Haha, did you see the expression on Director Jiang's face before he left? It's so exciting."

"Haha, I was so arrogant before, but I got slapped in the face a few times. It's strange that my face looks good. I don't know why, but I feel so good."

"Me too. She usually looks like she's worth $2,580,000 in the company, but this time she was slapped in the face. She can no longer be proud."

"Hey, I heard that she is getting engaged to that.... Fortunately, it's not Mr. Si. I really don't know what kind of man can bear her princess disease."

"For the sake of shares, there's nothing you can't bear. There's always someone who can bear it. Mr. Si doesn't need to endure her, certainly not Mr. Si. I heard that she had a blind date with Mr. Si before, but Mr. Si rejected her. She probably had a grudge and got into all the trouble today because she wanted to slap Mr. Si in the face, but her face was swollen."

"The funniest thing is that while she was jumping up and down for a long time, the mistress didn't even come on stage. The chairman didn't let the mistress come on stage either, hahaha, it's so embarrassing."

The whispers and discussions around him floated into Si Zhihao's ears from time to time. He tried his best to restrain himself and pretended that he couldn't hear them.

But those voices were too harsh, and every word poked at his self-esteem. He pursed his lips, with a look of humiliation on his face.

Damn it, how could things have turned out like this!

Didn't that woman Jiang Luoer say she would make Si Chen and Su Yijiu look good today? Is this what she vowed to do to make others look good?

How come they and their son ended up being the objects of ridicule!

Suddenly, there was a hand on his shoulder, holding him down, "Zhihao."

This voice is Si Shengyao!

No matter how uncomfortable the pain in Si Zhihao's chest was, he suppressed it forcefully. He turned around and forced himself to show a guilty expression. Before Si Sheng Yao could speak, he lowered his head and apologized to him, " Dad, I'm sorry. I didn't expect things to turn out like this. Mom, she was just shopping with Luo'er. Who knew Luo'er had to come here? Mom was worried before she left. She was afraid that... you would let me go with you because it was difficult for us. Apologize. Mom said if..."

Si Zhihao gritted his teeth and continued in humiliation, "If Aunt Su misunderstood you, she is willing to apologize to Aunt Su and explain clearly."


He had successfully obtained Si's shares, so why could he only stay in the company as a secretary.

Why the hell could he only avoid Su Yijiu when he met him, let him survive, and rely on Si Shengyao's pity to survive in the cracks?

When something happens, why should they apologize?

Why do they have to live in such a humble way!

Why, why, why!

The suppressed resentment in Si Zhihao's chest was about to explode. He lowered his head desperately for fear of being seen by Si Sheng Yao.

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