Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2633 Mr. Li suddenly fainted

Li Beijue's gaze deepened inch by inch, and there seemed to be a whirlpool in his deep eyes, trying to suck people in. He narrowed his narrow eagle eyes, pursed his thin lips, and in an extremely hoarse voice, pressed Chi Enen's shoulders and said, "Chi Enen, sometimes I really want to rub you into my body!"

Damn it, she was always so seductive, he would only feel satisfied if he rubbed her into his body.

Chi Enen was speechless for a while, and could only say helplessly, "If you rub me in, I'll die, okay?"

Li Beijue didn't let go of his hand yet, as if he wanted to eat her up domineeringly.

At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang...

Li Beijue frowned, and unhappily let go of his hand on Chi Enen's shoulder, took out his cell phone, looked at the caller ID and picked up, "Hello."

"What did you say?!" His face suddenly changed and he stood up straight, "Where are you?"

Chi Enen was inexplicably uneasy. She held his hand and asked, "Li Beijue, whose phone number is it? What's wrong?"

The man glanced at her with his deep eyes and said in a deep voice to the other end of the phone, "I'll be right over."

While hanging up the phone, he took Chi Enen's hand and led her out quickly, "The old housekeeper called, saying that the old man suddenly fainted just now and has now been sent to the hospital."

"Grandpa fainted!" Chi Enen was shocked. She quickly followed him and asked worriedly, "Is it serious? What's the situation now?"

Li Beijue held her hand tightly, his handsome face was stern and his eyes were heavy, "I don't know yet. The old man has just entered the CT room and the experts have just arrived. We will know after the examination."

"Then let's walk faster." Chi Enen pulled him and speeded up.

Half an hour later, Li Beijue's car stopped at the entrance of W City Shenghui Hospital.

After a sudden brake, Li Beijue got out of the car first, followed by Chi Enen with his bag and hurried to the emergency room.

Li Nantian had already arrived when they arrived.

The old housekeeper was also outside. He had just said goodbye to a group of doctors when he bumped into Chi Enen and the others. He greeted in surprise, "Master, Madam, are you here?"

"How is the old man?" Although Li Beijue tried his best to control it, his impatience could still be seen in his eyes.

Seeing the old housekeeper's relaxed expression, Chi Enen felt relieved. It seems that the old man is fine, otherwise the old housekeeper would not be so relaxed.


"The old Sir Alex has woken up. The experts have just done a comprehensive examination on the old Sir Alex. The results came out and said that the old Sir Alex had just a sudden fainting caused by physical weakness. There is no big problem. Have a good rest and recover for a while. Enough."

The arrogant man was obviously relieved.

Chi Enen asked him, "Can we go in and see grandpa?"

The old butler bent down respectfully, with a kind smile on his lips, and said softly, "Of course. The old Lord happens to have something to discuss with the young lady. The young lady and the young master can just go in."


Chi Enen was still worried when she didn't see anyone. When she heard that he said she could go in to visit Mr. Li, her eyes brightened a lot. He immediately told the man next to him, "Li Beijue, let's go. Let's go in and see grandpa."


Li Beijue didn't say anything. In fact, he was just as worried about Mr. Li as Chi Enen. Hearing this, he didn't say anything and took her hand and walked towards the ward with his long legs...

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