Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2634 Looks like he’s not sick

The ward that Mr. Li lives in is a VIP among VIPs. It has a spacious room, bright floor-to-ceiling windows and light gray furniture. The whole room is warm and comfortable, and it doesn't look like a ward at all.

Mr. Li was lying on the spacious hospital bed.

Contrary to what Chi Enen thought, he didn't look very weak. Although the infusion was still in his wrist, he was propped up and half sitting on the bed. The dining table in front of him was also set down, with documents and other things placed on it. His hair was meticulously combed, his handsome face was cold and strong, and he wore gold-rimmed glasses on his eyes. He was looking down at the document at hand.

Just from his appearance, if it weren't for the infusion bottle hanging from his hand, it would be completely impossible to tell that he was a patient.

He probably heard Chi Enen and others opening the door, raised his head and looked towards them. When he saw Chi Enen and the others, he took off his glasses and put them aside. He propped up his elbows, pinched the bridge of his nose, and said, "Here he comes."

"Well, how are you?"

Chi Enen was speechless.

What a cold conversation, he was worried about Mr. Li's health just now on the road. As a result, when I saw the person, he became like this again.

"I'm fine, it's just a common problem that people have as they get older." Mr. Li and Li Beijue seemed to be carved out of the same person. Their personalities are like this. A stiff question, a stiff answer.

Chi Enen couldn't stand it anymore, so he got in between the two of them, walked to Mr. Li's bed, pulled out a chair and sat down. He picked up the fruit plate next to him and asked, "Grandpa, do you want to eat an apple? I'll peel it for you."

Mr. Li didn't think the conversation between him and Li Beijue was stiff. He was used to this way of getting along. But when he heard Chi Enen ask him if he wanted to eat apples with a smile on his face, his strong outline softened a little, "Well, I can't eat much."

"It doesn't matter, I'll cut it for you to eat. You can eat as much as you want." Chi Enen picked up the fruit knife and slowly began to cut it while saying, "Nono just went back to sleep. I'll let her do it later when she wakes up." Huo Yi sent her over to watch TV with you for a while. And Chi Baobao, I will ask him to come over after school."

She used a casual tone, as if she was chatting with Mr. Li. Her soft voice sounded in the ward, adding a sense of life to the spacious but too cold ward.

When Mr. Li heard about Nono, his eyes obviously became softer, and the corners of his mouth relaxed rarely and he said, "Let her sleep. It's not fun here. She will be bored when she comes here."

"No, she has been clamoring to watch Detective Conan with you a few days ago. Her brother does not allow her to watch this cartoon. She can only watch it if she is with her grandfather. If she can watch that cartoon, she will definitely He jumped up happily and let her watch it all afternoon. The girl didn't even blink her eyes. Moreover, she didn't need anyone to guide her. She had many ideas of her own and would find things for herself. She recently started to like telling stories. Grandpa, just don’t think she’s noisy.”

Li Yinuo has really become obsessed with storytelling recently. She used to like listening to bedtime stories, but now she listens to them too much and is obsessed with telling stories to others.

She was young and didn't know how to read. Basically speaking from my own memory. She couldn't remember some parts clearly, so she would make them up randomly. It was obviously a story about the Little Mermaid, but she turned into Sleeping Beauty as she told it.

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