Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2635 Want to book a baby kiss for Chi Baobao

She combined the two stories into one, and she looked like a serious little adult, as if she remembered it very clearly and that the story was made up by her. She spoke in a babyish voice, which could melt people's hearts.

The reason why Mr. Li suddenly fainted this time was because he was old, and because Li Qiyun's poisoning caused his health to deteriorate a lot. There was another reason. Chi Enen thought that he lived too tensely.

She didn't quite understand how much effort it took to manage a huge Li family, but she saw that Mr. Li didn't forget to read the documents even when he was receiving an IV, which probably showed how tired he was usually.

It would be strange if Mr. Li could get well with the tiredness of life and Li Qiyun's affairs.

So she wanted Nuo Nuo to accompany him more. Children always have a natural ability to make people around them relax.

And Nuo Nuo himself has a cheerful personality, which makes him more suitable to accompany Mr. Li.

"She is more and more talkative now. Basically, she won't stop talking since she opened her eyes. Her brother can't stand her noise sometimes." Chi Enen smiled. When she talked about Nuonuo, she was incredibly gentle. "Grandpa, if you are disturbed by her, you can talk to her. She is still very well behaved. If you talk to her, she will play quietly by herself."

Grandpa Li's mind was filled with a chubby little girl who looked like a New Year's picture doll. Thinking of her little voice calling her grandfather, he rarely smiled. "Nonuo is very well behaved and sensible."

When he said this, he suddenly seemed to remember something and said to Chi Enen, "By the way, an old friend of mine saw Jingchen's photo and told me that he had a granddaughter who was about the same age as Jingchen. He asked me if I would consider arranging a baby marriage for the two children. What do you think?"

The old friend he mentioned was not ordinary, otherwise he would not have asked Chi Enen.

He still valued Baby Chi very much. It was because the other party was a friend for decades, his character was trustworthy, and the girl who was raised by a family background was also reassuring, so he was moved.

Of course, he still needs to see Chi Enen's opinion.

Chi Enen didn't expect that they were talking about Nuonuo before, and then Mr. Li suddenly mentioned Chi Baby, and he mentioned that he was betrothing Chi Baby.

She was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't react.

It's not her fault.

She has been a commoner for more than 20 years, and she has lived an ordinary life. Ordinary people don't have the popularity of child marriage. Generally, they talk about marriage directly when they grow up and meet the person they like. She suddenly heard Mr. Li mention engagement and then she realized that the wealthy and wealthy families seemed to like to betroth the next generation when they were young. When they grow up, they will directly get married.

But Chi Baby...

Chi Enen remembered the little girl with an apple face who always followed Chi Baby in kindergarten, Han Xiaoruo.

Han Qifeng returned to the Xize family and turned back into Xizelie. What about Han Xiaoruo?

She vaguely remembered that Mrs. Habsden told her that Han Xiaoruo was the daughter of Xizelie's sister, a posthumous child, and was brought up by Xizelie since birth.

It seems that they haven't seen Han Xiaoruo since they left Beijing.

Her Chi Baobei seems to like that little girl very much, although he always likes to call her a slug. But it can be seen that he still treats that little girl differently.

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