Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2650 I always feel like she has another purpose

She left in a cool and neat manner, saying goodbye and waving her hand to the woman in a business suit with a clean back.

An Ran suddenly clenched her fists at her side, her face not looking good.


She didn't expect Lin Anxin to be so sharp-tongued. It seems that there are still many things she hasn't investigated.

But it doesn't matter, she has already got what she wants...

An Ran suppressed the anger on her face and took out her mobile phone from the bag beside her. The screen of the mobile phone just showed the recording status. Her eyes turned cold, saved the recording, put the phone back, and walked to the human resources department.


Outside Xinghao Company.

Lin Anxin got into the car depressed, called Chi Enen, and told her what happened just now. At the end, she said to Chi Enen irritably, "No, Enen, I still have to terminate the contract. I have to terminate the contract even if I have to pay compensation."

Originally, Lu Zhiang was enough for her to not know how to deal with it.

Now her first love has come. She doesn't want this mess to get more and more chaotic and eventually develop to a point where it can't be cleaned up...

Chi Enen was accompanying Mr. Li in the hospital. Mr. Li and Nuonuo were playing the seven-color Rubik's Cube. After receiving Lin Anxin's call, she quietly walked out of the ward and walked to the corridor to talk to her. "Why did she come to Xinghao?"

"How do I know? It might be a coincidence." Lin Anxin didn't think that the other party would come to Xinghao specifically for her.

Chi Enen remembered what Li Beijue had said to her, and still worriedly reminded her, "No matter what, you should be careful and try not to contact her."

"Don't worry, I know. I remember what you told me. I didn't plan to waste time with her today. She suddenly called me and started to provoke me. It's so weird!"

Chi Enen still felt that An Ran couldn't have called her just to provoke her, but she couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was. She rubbed her swollen temples and said, "Anyway, be careful. If you want to terminate this contract, I support you."

She didn't want An Xin to be too involved with Lu Zhiang, after all, the man behind Lu Zhiang was too scary.

And Lu Zhiang's relationship with that man was obviously not what it seemed on the surface. Lu Zhiang suddenly recognized that man, and it was very likely that there was another purpose.

If An Xin was involved with him, she was worried that An Xin would also be involved in the black network.

"Well, I'll discuss it with Shanni, and then go talk to Lu Zhiang about the termination of the contract. How about, Enen, you can accompany me when the time comes. I always feel that I can't face him." "Sure, just call me." Chi Enen agreed readily. Lin Anxin breathed a sigh of relief, and her tone was much more relaxed, "Okay, we have a deal. You are accompanying your old man in the hospital, right? I won't delay you, you go and get busy first. I'm almost going to find Shanni, and I want to get the termination done as soon as possible, so as not to have more trouble at night." She actually felt the same as Chi Enen, thinking that Anran's sudden provocation of her was a bit strange, but she couldn't tell what was strange. So she wanted to get things done as soon as possible and not drag it on. Her phone vibrated at this time, and Lin Anxin hurriedly said to Chi Enen, "Wait, I have a call coming in, Enen, I'll hang up first. When your old man is better, I'll ask you out for a drink and talk slowly."

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