Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2651 Ignoring the two of them directly

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She hung up Chi Enen's phone and picked up the new incoming call. Unexpectedly, it was from Si Chen, "Where are you?"


"I have a friend's party tonight and I want to take you with me. I'll come and pick you up." The man's voice came from the other end of the phone. It was indescribably noble and nice, with a hint of cynical sexiness in its low tone.

Lin Anxin refused without thinking, "I don't want to go, you can go by yourself, I have something to do tonight."

"What's up?"

It's not like your first love girlfriend came to visit and made her have to terminate the contract quickly... Lin Anxin wanted to say it but felt it was unnecessary to say it. She was about to terminate the contract anyway, so there was no need to tell Si Chen about her encounter with An Ran.

"It's about work, I made an appointment with Shanni. If you don't believe it, just ask Shanni."

Si Chen pondered for a moment and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Okay, you go back early tonight. I may go back late, so you don't have to wait for me."

"Go, go." Lin Anxin hoped that he would come back later. She could foresee how miserable she would be if she told her dear manager that she wanted to terminate her contract with Xing Hao. Anyway, you can't get away with a bloody curse. It depends on how many times Shanni will scold her before she is willing to calm down.

"Go to bed early tonight. I will call your agent to ask about your whereabouts at any time."

"...Yes, the sponsor." Lin Anxin snorted depressedly and said lazily, "Can I hang up the phone? I'm going to drive."

"Pay attention to safety on the road, cars are not allowed to drive past 80 miles!"


Is he sure he is her sponsor, not her father?

Lin Anxin hung up the phone decisively and drove to find Shanni.

On the other side, the Si Group.

The secretary opened the door to the president's office and came in with coffee, "Mr. Secretary, your coffee."

"Put it there." The man on the leather swivel chair stood up, picked up the coat on the side, and told her, "I'm going out for a trip. Help me push the rest of the trip."

"Okay, Mr. Si." The secretary quickly took out a small notebook and asked, "Do I need to arrange a driver for you?"

Si Chen walked around her and said, "No, I'll drive there myself."

"Yes. Mr. Si."

After he left the president's office, he took the exclusive elevator all the way down to the first floor. As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, I met Si Zhihao and Jiang Luoer on the opposite side of the road, walking side by side as they entered the company.

Jiang Luoer suffered a big loss at the hands of Lin Anxin last time, and it took Si Zhihao a long time to coax her back. The two of them saw Si Chen. Jiang Luoer's eyes were obviously attracted by the handsome Si Chen. She didn't even listen to Si Zhihao talking next to her. He looked distracted.

"Luo'er, didn't you say you wanted to eat that French restaurant? I've made a reservation for the chef for you. You..." As Si Zhihao spoke, he also noticed that Jiang Luo'er's mind was completely gone.

Looking again, they saw Si Chen walking towards them with a tall posture.

His eyes suddenly darkened, and he was hesitating whether to say hello to Si Chen and do a good job in saving face.

Si Chen simply ignored the two of them and passed them by with an expressionless expression——

Si Zhihao felt embarrassed as if someone had suddenly slapped him in the face. Jiang Luoer beside him also had the same expression. His delicately made-up face was almost distorted. He clenched his fists and stared hatefully. The man's disappearing back, his eyes full of dissatisfaction!

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