Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2652: Coaxing the eldest lady in a low voice


Why should he treat her with this attitude!

She is the eldest lady of the Jiang family and holds shares of the Si family. Even Si Sheng Yao wants to give her face, so why should he trample her pride on the ground again and again!

"Luo'er, let's go to that French restaurant tonight. I've prepared a surprise for you. You'll definitely like it." Although Si Zhihao was also angry with Si Chen for ignoring him, he was more interested now. The important thing is to get Jiang Luoer's attention back.

He finally snatched this woman from Si Chen, but he would not easily let someone choose Si Chen again.

Jiang Luoer is now full of irritability. She has been in a bad mood ever since she was severely slapped in the face by Lin Anxin that day. She once smashed her home to pieces. When she saw Si Chen, she became even more irritated for some reason. She lost her temper directly at the man beside her who was trying to please her, "You can go alone if you want to go, I won't go!"

This is the lobby on the first floor of the company, and many people will pass by here.

Jiang Luoer's roar attracted the attention of many people.

Si Zhihao's face turned blue, red, and white, and he wanted to throw away his hands and leave. But thinking of the power of the Jiang family, he held back forcefully and coaxed in a good-tempered way, "If you don't go, it would be pointless for me to go. I originally found a way to book a table because you like to eat. If If you don’t go, I would rather not eat like you.”

He is very good at understanding women's psychology, and his words are affectionate and gentle, which greatly satisfies the woman's vanity.

Sure enough, Jiang Luo'er's ugly face softened a little, but she still pursed her lips and refused to speak.

Si Zhihao took the opportunity to put his arm around her shoulders and murmured in a low voice, "Okay, don't be angry. I feel more uncomfortable when you are angry than you do."

He grabbed Jiang Luo'er's hand and pressed it on his chest. With a look of deep affection and no regrets on his face, he said softly, "It's very uncomfortable here."

Jiang Luo'er tightened her lips and relaxed, her expression finally softened, but the eldest lady still snorted with a temper, "Don't use that trick to coax me, you said this to me not only." Bar?"

Si Zhihao raised the corners of his mouth, squeezed her hand tightly, and pulled it out without letting her go, pressing it tightly against his heart, "Who did I tell you that the heartbeat can't tell you the answer?"

Jiang Luoer turned his head away, the tips of his ears turning slightly red.

He struck while the iron was hot and expressed his feelings, "I have only said this to you, and never to other women. You clearly know that I fell in love with you at first sight, how could you say such things to other women. I have never said this to anyone before, There won’t be any in the future.”

"It's best! If you let me find out that you lied to me in the future, hum!" The threat was full of meaning.

With her arrogant young lady temperament, no wonder she has never found a suitable partner in the same circle.

There are really not many men who are her equal who can stand her temper.

Si Zhihao felt humiliated, angry and sinister in his heart, but what was great about him was that he could maintain an affectionate expression on his face under such circumstances, as if his heart was as doting on Jiang Luoer as he showed. "Yes, yes, my princess."

Jiang Luo'er felt extremely satisfied in her heart, and no longer cared about the anger that Si Chen ignored just now. She held Si Zhihao's hand possessively, glanced at the faces of the women who were looking around, and glared in warning. After taking a look, he pulled the person onto the elevator.

The elevator door clanged shut.

Only others dared to whisper and gossip.

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