Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2653 Reserved a special place for him

"She is still as annoying as before. I really don't understand how any man can stand her."

"It's just for money, there's nothing you can't stand."

"That's right. She thought that because of how beautiful, outstanding and charming she was, all the men in the world should revolve around her. As it turned out, there was not only an illegitimate child with evil intentions who wanted her."

"Anyway, I'm with Lin Anxin in this round. I like Lin Anxin better than her. You saw her expression after being ignored by Mr. Si just now, tsk tsk, I think she's very restless. She obviously doesn't She has a boyfriend, and she stares at other men in front of her boyfriend. It’s a good thing that her boyfriend doesn’t really like her, otherwise no one would be able to bear it.”

"Hehe, people don't think so. People think that man loves her to death. I heard people in their department say that she often shows affection during meetings. Thank you for your kindness. Who can't see that the man's purpose is not pure? , she is so stupid that she can’t see it!”

"It's best not to see her. I can't wait to see her cry in the future."

"Haha, how bad are you~"

No one in the company thinks highly of Jiang Luoer and Si Zhihao, and everyone laughs at them when they are mentioned, which shows how unpopular the two are in the company.

It’s almost reached the point where everyone shouts and beats up a rat crossing the street.

Originally, Si Zhihao's reputation was good before, but it was because he was not good at hugging anyone's thighs, so he hugged Jiang Luo'er, who was hated by all the women in the company. Gradually, Jiang Luo'er was implicated, and his reputation also became worse. Not good.

These small details may not seem like much, but in fact they have a great impact on Si Zhihao, who dreams of joining the board of directors.

How can a person who is looked down upon by everyone get on the board of directors and convince the public?

He was also too anxious to get the upper hand. He worked hard to catch up with Jiang Luoer but forgot to maintain his own image. Now he has basically established his image as a scheming and soft-boiled man in the company.

Si Chen didn't care about Si Zhihao and Jiang Luo'er at all. He just saw them and pretended not to see them because he didn't even bother to lie to them.

He walked to the garage, took out the keys, opened the Bugatti's door, got in, and drove to his destination——

He is going to a private club tonight.

He used to go there often, but after getting to know Lin Anxin, he gradually reduced the number of times he came here. Counting now, he hasn't been here for a long time.

"Mr. Si."

"Mr. Si."

Because he came here often before, the waiters here all know him and greet him one after another.

Si Chen walked straight to the private room.

Before I even entered, I heard noisy cheers inside.

Si Chen frowned, opened the door, and went in, "Sorry, I have something to do at the company, so I came late."

"Wow, Si Chen, you are finally here."

"Today's protagonist is here~"

"It's not too late or not, come and sit, we've left a seat for you."

He became the center of the crowd as soon as he arrived. He was naturally noble, and he didn't have the strong sense of oppression that Li Beijue gave people. He seemed kind and approachable.

Si Chen glanced at the seats they had reserved, and sure enough he saw a familiar figure next to him. He frowned because of a headache, asked the waiter to bring another chair nearby, and said, "Don't bother me, I'll just sit here."

The seat he chose was far enough away from the seat reserved for him. There were all men on the left and right, and there were no girls at all.

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