Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2654 I already have a girlfriend

The others looked at each other ambiguously, and looked at the beautiful woman opposite him with half a smile. A teasing voice broke in and said with a smile, "Brother Shen, this is called being shy~"

"Hahaha, when did you fucking learn to use idioms? But the word "hometown sentimentality" is used well, it's so damn appropriate!"

Others also patted their thighs, "It's really, quite appropriate. Xinzi, you can do it. Listen to my brother, stop playing with women in the future, and develop into a literary master. There is a future!"

"Bullshit, master of literature, you're just kidding me. I'd better play with women, otherwise how could I be worthy of such a good pregnancy?"

"Haha, I recorded it. I'll show it to your old man some other time. I'll keep it and make your old man vomit blood."

"No, I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death by my violent old man first."

Several people exchanged words with each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became heated again.

This group of people are all second generation.

Either a wealthy family or the second generation of a powerful family.

But they all belong to the type of playboy. As they grow older, some of them gradually calm down like Si Chen, but some of them are still as careless as before. The two types of people look down on each other, causing them to spend less and less time together.

If the organizer hadn't been An Ran, the goddess of all boys' childhood, the organization probably wouldn't have been successful at all.

Si Chen didn't take their teasing seriously. He pulled out the chair brought by the waiter and sat down. He said calmly, "Don't make fun of me. I already have a girlfriend. It's not good for my girlfriend to hear about it."

He said it solemnly and indifferently, but these words undoubtedly dropped a stone in everyone's heart.

What he meant was that he no longer had feelings for An Ran between men and women, and they were just ordinary friends. At the same time, it sent a signal that he attaches great importance to his current girlfriend.

Others originally wanted to make a joke between him and An Ran, but when they saw that he showed his attitude directly, the smart people stopped joking in this regard.

I'm just a little surprised that he would actually be trapped by a female star. Even if the other party doesn't come, he cares so much about the other person's feelings, which shows how much he likes that female star.

The only person at the scene who couldn't laugh was An Ran. When Si Chen was teased just now, she was still sitting there laughing indulgently. Now when Si Chen said this, she was like a slap in the face. She lost face. Some can't make it through. But she was very calm and didn't show it at all. She quickly stood up and smoothed things over, "Okay, okay, don't make trouble. I finally returned to China, and you are so naughty as soon as you come. Really, be careful I tell you elders, Take care of you."

She used to be the princess held in high esteem by everyone in this group, because all the elders liked her very much. As an outstanding child next door, the elders trusted her very much in what she said.

Once she says something bad about someone, that person will definitely be beaten.

Plus she was pretty, and she was a queen in the eyes of a bunch of little boys with runny noses. The boys listened to her words as if they were edicts. So she is very authoritative.

She seemed to be joking and scolding her now, which indeed reminded many people of their childhood and started talking to her face-savingly.

"No, sister An Ran, please let me go."

"Hahaha, Xinzi is all a bitch, I support you in dealing with Xinzi."

"Brother, you just said you were going to protect me. You are too deceitful."


At this time, the waiter filed in with the dishes, completely alleviating the little embarrassment just now.

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