Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2676 She believes in her baby Chi

Chi Enen was not scared at all by his angry look. She usually got along with people with strong auras like Li Beijue, Mr. Li and Quan Dongting.

The anger of an ordinary school dean was completely incomparable to that of Li Beijue and the others.

She can even calmly respond to the siege of reporters, let alone a dean, "I know very well how to educate children. My education methods may not be as good as yours, but at least I know not to start without asking questions." Scolding your child will leave a psychological shadow on the child.”

"Are you afraid of leaving a psychological shadow on him, so you can allow him to attack the teacher casually?" The dean is not a vegetarian, and he can speak very well. "Parents indulge their children too much, which is why some children are now lawless all day long. . No education at all!”

He usually scolds the parents of students who make mistakes. In any case, the parents will endure it and apologize to him for the sake of their children's study.

So when facing Chi Enen, she was a weak woman, so he was even less polite.

Chi Enen's face darkened, her red lips pursed, and the surrounding atmosphere cooled down, "My son's education does not need to be bothered by the teacher! As for you, teacher, as a teacher, you will point it at the students if something doesn't go your way. Venting personal dissatisfaction with students’ parents? Is this your education as an educator?”

She didn't curse, and she didn't use a single curse word throughout the whole process, but what she said made the grown man blush and make his whole body tremble with anger.

Chi Baobao's class teacher did not expect that things would become so serious.

Chi Jingchen's parent is also too tough. Isn't she afraid that her child will be expelled from school?

She still liked this boy in her class who had good grades and good looks, so she stepped in between the two of them to smooth things over, "Okay, okay. Chi Jingchen's parents and director, please stop arguing. Everyone is For the sake of the children, the director may be a little anxious when speaking. Don't worry about Chi Jingchen's parents. The reason why the director is anxious is because the school attaches great importance to Chi Jingchen, who has always been outstanding in all aspects. The school was very sad when something like this happened. The director wanted to give Chi Jingchen another chance to apologize to the male teacher, ask for his forgiveness, and then write a letter. Guarantee, let’s forget about it, what do you think?”

For serious matters like this, students will usually be expelled from the school, or a major demerit will be recorded on the student file.

But Chi Baobao’s grades are too good and he is also very smart. The school still has to consider the admission rate and does not want to give up such a good young talent.

Chi Enen calmly shook his head and said the same thing, "My child can apologize if he does something wrong, but I at least want to know why he did it wrong and what the reason is."

This means that she won't let Chi Baobao apologize if she doesn't tell the reason why Chi Baobao took action.

Chi Baobao didn't expect Chi Enen to protect him so strongly. She didn't even question him from beginning to end and chose to believe him.

His dark eyes were bright, his eyelids drooped, and he quietly clenched the hand on his side into a fist! While the dean and class teacher were still doing ideological work for Chi Enen, they suddenly said, "I threw the flowerpot at him because he deserves a beating!"

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