Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2677 It turns out that this is the reason why he took action

"Baby Chi?" Chi Enen turned around in surprise.

The dean's face turned green with anger, and he slammed the table, "You don't seriously reflect on yourself, and you still think you are justified, right?"

Chi Baobao did not criticize him at all. He looked at Chi Enen and said, "I heard him telling other teachers on the side that my mother was a kept mistress, so she rarely came to school to pick me up. He also said that my father He didn’t come either because he didn’t want to recognize me.”

Lao Wang, who lives next door, rarely comes to pick him up from school.

But his women obviously come here often, but they are always outside the school gate.

The male teacher was just gossiping with other teachers in the corridor because Chi Enen was unable to come to the two class meetings.

What you say is as ugly as it sounds.

What he said were all the parts that he chose that were not unpleasant to listen to, and there were some unpleasant parts that he did not say.

He is reluctant to bully his women, and he certainly cannot let outsiders bully her. So he couldn't hold back, he picked up the flower pot next to him and smashed it directly at the man with the foul mouth.

He was measured and didn't hit anyone on the head.

The man was so frightened that he sprained his foot, fell to the ground and broke his arm. Who cares?

Chi Enen's face suddenly turned cold. He turned his head and looked at the dean of students, "Is what my son said true?"

The dean felt embarrassed, "This..."

The other teachers were also extremely embarrassed. They were also teachers, and they were also embarrassed when they were caught talking about their colleagues’ parents behind their backs.

The head teacher had to smooth things over, "Chi Jingchen's mother, there were only three people present at the time. The male teacher and colleagues are still bandaging the wounds in the school infirmary. Now there is only one side of the child's words. What is the specific situation? We Let’s wait until the male teacher comes back to ask for details.”

"You don't have to wait for him to come back. I believe in my son." Chi Enen said with a serious face, "I didn't expect that my husband and I were unable to attend the school's parent-teacher meeting due to work reasons. The teachers in the school can take the lead and do whatever they want in the school. Nonsense. And other teachers in the school can blame all the mistakes on one child without asking the child clearly, and force the child to apologize by expelling him from school. I have clarified what happened today, and I can tell you clearly that I do not. I will ask my child to apologize. The person who wants to apologize should apologize to my child first, and then my child should apologize to him. Also, you don’t have to threaten me with dropping out of school. My child will no longer attend this school!”

If there is such a teacher in the school, everyone else, including the dean of students and Chi Baobao's class teacher, will operate on the child first.

Pick the soft persimmon and pinch it.

What does this kind of teacher teach?

Her Chi Baobao was originally a little genius. She asked him to come to school just to let him have more contact with children of the same age and cultivate his personality to be more cheerful.

Now it seems that it is her fault. She should not think that ordinary schools are more pure than aristocratic schools. How can a place with people be pure?

She could tell from the attitudes of the dean and class teacher that the male teacher Chi Baobao hit had a back-up, otherwise they wouldn't have forced Chi Baobao to apologize. Didn't even ask what was going on.

This is what makes Chi Enen the most angry!

Chi Enen took Chi Baobao and left, completely unwilling to pay attention to these adults who pretended to be teaching and educating people, but were actually ugly.

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