Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2699 Have you gone out to take medicine?

Chi Enen simply couldn't describe how she felt. Looking at her, she couldn't help but ask, "Miss Han, have you gone out to take medicine?"

"What do you mean?" Before Han Wenwen could realize that Chi Enen was complaining about her, she looked over with confused eyes.

Chi Enen couldn't bear it and distanced herself from her, and spoke more directly, "You said you could give me anything in exchange for Li Beijue. What do you think I want from you? What do you have that is worthy of my husband?" What I exchanged with you?”

Han Wenwen seemed to have been slapped in the face, and she remembered what Mr. Han said about her, saying that she was inferior to Chi Enen in terms of family background and status.

She was not convinced. She was not as good as Chi Enen. At least she had been the daughter of the Han family since she was a child and had received a first-class education.

Chi Enen is just an illegitimate daughter living outside. Even if she flies to a branch and becomes the heir of the Habsden family, it won't change the vulgarity in her bones!

"Also, you told me directly in front of me that you like my husband. Are you sure you are not drinking now and are you not drunk?"

Chi Enen paused and said seriously.

"If you weren't drunk, have you ever asked my husband if he likes you? Even if I give him up to you, he is a human being and has his own ideas. If he doesn't like you, it's useless for me to give him up to you! What's more? I won't give him to you at all!"

Give up Li Beijue to Han Wenwen?

Unless she is mentally ill!

Han Wenwen was beaten by her, and her face turned blue. She pursed her lips as if Chi Enen was a villain, and stared at her hatefully. Finally, she couldn't help it anymore, pointed at Chi Enen's face, and whispered hysterically. Shout, "You're not good enough for him!"

This was the first time that Chi Enen had seen her so out of control. The last time they met on the golf course, Han Wenwen was still a standard socialite. Arrogant and reserved, at least not as annoying as now. What stimulated her to suddenly become so... unrestrained.

"Whether I am worthy or not has nothing to do with you, as long as he thinks he is worthy. As an outsider, Miss Han is too lenient."

Han Wenwen was so excited that her eyes wanted to kill her alive. She gritted her teeth and roared, "You know you are not worthy of Brother Jue but you still dominate him! I hate you, I hate women like you!"

"Miss Han, I see you really forgot to take your medicine when you went out." Chi Enen acted very calmly despite her hysteria, and calmly distanced herself from Han Wenwen to prevent her from making drastic actions.

Han Wenwen suddenly roared so loudly, danced and looked very excited. This startled the shopping guide ladies around them. Several shopping guide ladies thought they were quarreling, so they quickly came over to break up the fight and pulled the two away from each other.

"Ms. Han, please sit down and rest for a while. We will make you a cup of coffee right away. Please stop quarreling."

Chi Enen cooperated with the shopping guide and consciously moved to a safe distance.

Han Wenwen was completely opposite to her. She did not cooperate at all with the shopping guide who came to break up the fight. With her beautiful eyes filled with evil spirits, she threw away the shopping guide's hand and said, "Get away!"

"Miss Han..."

"Get out of my way!"

The shopping guides knew her identity and did not dare to offend her. Even though she had a bad attitude, she could only persuade her in a good-tempered way, "Miss Han, don't be angry. We are all good friends, and friends' quarrels affect relationships..."

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