Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2700 I don’t know what stimulation I received

"I told you to get out of here!" Han Wenwen pushed away the shopping guide who tried her best to dissuade her.

The shopping guide girl was caught off guard and pushed by her. The high heels under her feet accidentally got wet and she fell heavily to the ground.

The snapping sound was painful to hear.

Two shopping guides who had a good relationship with her quickly helped her up and asked worriedly, "Qiqi, are you okay? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

The pale shopping guide lady who was suffering from ankle pain sat on the sofa and shook her head, "I'm fine, no need. I'll just rest and be fine."

Han Wenwen suddenly realized that she had pushed someone down and was stunned for a moment. Then she ignored the injured shopping guide and glared at Chi Enen with resentful eyes. She retorted angrily, "Who is her friend? We are not friends! She is just a robber." Robbers of other people’s things!”

Chi Enen's tolerance for her had reached its limit. He was too lazy to argue with her. He took out his mobile phone and called the old housekeeper. He then told the old housekeeper about her current situation and asked him to tell Mr. Han. After doing all this, Chi Enen put away her phone indifferently, looked at Han Wenwen and said, "Miss Han, I have notified Mr. Han, and I believe someone will come to pick you up soon. Am I a robber? Do you want to steal anything? You know better than me. I know you want to vent to me, but I'm sorry, I have no obligation to accompany you."

Han Wenwen's performance today was obviously stimulated, so she quickly found her through Jin Zhixuan and told her this.

Han Wenwen probably knew how weird her request was, and there was no way she could agree to it. But he still said it, just to get angry after she refused.

But why should she accompany her to vent? She has no such obligation to accompany the eldest lady to be willful.

Sure enough, when the person who was hysterical just now heard the name of Mr. Han, she felt as if she wanted to have her acupoints tapped. She showed a frightened look for a moment, but anger still occupied her nerve endings. She sneered at Chi Enen, deliberately pretending not to care, "What else can you do besides complaining to your elders? The same is true for you and Grandpa Li. You can only please Grandpa Li by saying bad things about others. I have always felt that It's strange why Sister Qiyun was kicked out of the Li family. Now it seems that it has a lot to do with you. Sister Qiyun must have discovered that you are this kind of person and feels that you are not worthy of being with Brother Jue. Grandpa Li was so instigated that he kicked Sister Qiyun out of the Li family.

What a humble commoner like you likes most is to do small tricks! I'm afraid you have long been jealous of Sister Yun. Because Sister Qiyun is prettier and more capable than you, and she is a real socialite. You finally returned to the phoenix nest, but you still feel inferior to your pheasant origin. Only when he sees the truly proud daughter of heaven will he be unable to control his jealousy and instigate Grandpa Li behind his back.

You are just relying on your ability to give birth to the grandson that Grandpa Li looks forward to the most to be so arrogant. Otherwise, Grandpa Li will never let you into the Li family just by yourself! So what if you are now the daughter of Habsden, it cannot change your birth, you are an illegitimate daughter! "

She used all the vicious words she could use, and every word stepped on Chi Enen's biggest stain, hoping to step on Chi Enen until Chi Enen couldn't bear it anymore.

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