Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2704 Just left with Chi Enen

This is what makes her most angry.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she could hardly put on a perfunctory expression on her face.

Jin Zhixuan is upright and not stupid. She can tell whether Mrs. Han is still blaming her. I regretted even more that I had called Chi Enen out before.

If she hadn't asked Enen out, Enen wouldn't have been implicated.

She bit her lower lip, pulled Chi Enen's hand nervously, and whispered with guilt on her face, "Yes, I'm sorry."

Chi Enen slapped her hand back and comforted her, "I'm fine."

Jin Zhixuan felt better when she saw that she looked calm and was not affected by Mrs. Han's attitude. He stood up and said to Mr. Han, "Grandpa Han, since you are all here, Enen and I will leave first. I will come to visit Sister Wenwen another day."

Mrs. Han raised her eyebrows and asked dissatisfiedly, "You want to leave?"

Even before Xiaowen came out of the emergency room, they were in a hurry to leave. What do you mean!

Mr. Han glared at her, suppressed her, turned around, and said in a warm manner, "Okay, you go and do your work. Thank you and Enen today."

"Grandpa Han is so polite. This is what we should do." Jin Zhixuan bowed to him politely, "Goodbye Grandpa Han."


Jin Zhixuan took Chi Enen and walked away.

Mrs. Han looked at their backs as they walked further and further away. Her chest felt tight and she sat on the chair next to her. She yelled at Mr. Han unhappily, "Dad, why did you let them go? Xiaowen hasn't come out yet!" "

"Shut up! When she comes out, I will settle the score with her! Ask her if she has given me back everything I taught her before?" Mr. Han lowered his face with an angry look.

Mrs. Han frowned, angry, but she still didn't dare to talk back to him. She argued for Han Wenwen in a low voice, "Xiaowen is like this and you still talk about her. Do you want to force her to death? Even if she did something wrong, she is still young. Who didn't make mistakes when they were young. Tell her carefully. , she will listen.”

"I'm afraid she won't listen!" Mr. Han was angry when he thought about Han Wenwen running to find Chi Enen without telling him, but she was his granddaughter after all. He took a deep breath, spit it out, and pressed his chest a little He was so angry that he said, "I'll tell her after she recovers her health. During this period, you should watch her carefully and don't let her go out and embarrass me again!"

"Dad!" Mrs. Han gave birth to a daughter. She saved it through all kinds of hardships. She wanted to hold it in her mouth since she was a child. She never heard others say bad things about Han Wenwen. Even though that person was Mr. Han, she still stood up.

After all, Mr. Han was Mr. Han. He gave her a majestic look and pushed her back with one sentence, "I used to be very satisfied with Xiaowen. Although she has been in poor health since she was a child, she is the best among my grandchildren in all aspects." That one. But during this period, she disappointed me. I gave her opportunities again and again, but she still insisted on making trouble unreasonably. As my grandfather, she failed. I can accommodate her. But as the executor of the family, I cannot give her opportunities again and again. If she continues like this, she will definitely get nothing to do with the shares of the Han family. part of the shares.”

Shares without voting rights can only receive annual dividends. Apart from distributing red, it has no effect at all, and cannot enter the board of directors.

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