Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2705 Want to match up with Han Wenwen

Mrs. Han seemed to be strangled by the neck, her face turned red, she clenched her fists, frowned in dissatisfaction and shouted at Mr. Han, "Dad! What are you doing! Didn't you agree to hand over the Han family to Xiaowen in the future? Why are you saying this again?"

"I didn't say that I wanted to hand over the Han family to her. If she takes your surname Han, it doesn't change that she is from the Yu family! I only said that after a hundred years, I will give her some shares and let her join the Han family's board of directors. As for giving I have the final say as to what the shares are. She has let me down several times in a row. It is impossible for me to hand over the precious shares of the Han family to an impulsive and willful person who does things regardless of the consequences. I have to be responsible for the entire Han family. ! If she doesn't repent and continues like this, I will give her non-voting shares as I said. She won't have to think about joining Han's board of directors. In the future, she will be able to live comfortably with that share. !" Mr. Han put his hands behind his back, his expression was stern and serious, and he didn't look angry at all.

Mrs. Han was shaking with anger, and now she did not dare to talk back to her father. She knew that Mr. Han was telling the truth, and if she excused her daughter, she would only make the old man even more angry. By then, Xiaowen might really only get shares that could only be distributed as dividends.

At this time, the door of the emergency room opened, and medical staff swarmed out from inside.

Mrs. Han didn't care to be angry with her father anymore. She hurriedly rushed forward, took the attending doctor's hand, and asked anxiously, "Doctor, is my daughter okay?"

The doctor who was still wearing surgical clothes took off his mask and looked relaxed. "Don't worry, Mrs. Yu. Ling Qianjin is fine. Fortunately, Ling Qianjin's friends sent her to the hospital in time this time. Otherwise, Ling Qianjin might have been there if it had been a little later." It was life-threatening. I don't know which of Ling Qianjin's friends was so brave. Based on Ling Qianjin's situation, he drove the person over without waiting for the ambulance. Fortunately, Mrs. Yu wanted to thank this person. girl."

After saying this, Mrs. Han's face turned green and white, and she was extremely embarrassed, "Well, I understand, I can go in and see my Xiaowen now."

"Okay, the nurse will push the person to the ward immediately. Mrs. Yu can go directly to the ward to see Ling Qianjin."

"Well, okay." Mrs. Han hurriedly went to find Han Wenwen.

Mr. Han also breathed a sigh of relief. He used his crutch and said hello to the attending doctor, "Jun Qian, thank you this time."

"It's okay, Uncle Han is too polite." Fu Junqian smiled warmly. He was twenty-eighty-nine years old, in his prime, tall and handsome, making people feel comfortable just looking at him. "It's okay, Xiaowen is fine."

It turns out that Han Wenwen's attending doctor in China is also the grandson of a close friend of Mr. Han. It's just that the gap between the two families is quite large. The Fu family is also rich, but the Xinglin family is definitely not as powerful as the Han family. However, compared with ordinary people, it is still considered a family with high knowledge and status.

Mrs. Han has a strong sense of family status and has always treated Fu Junqian with a neither salty nor cold attitude. As a result, Fu Junqian's attitude towards her is purely from the perspective of a doctor, rather than as a familiar junior.

Mr. Han moved the corner of his mouth, suddenly looked at him, and asked with bright eyes, "Jun Qian, do you have a girlfriend you are dating?"

If Jun Qian and Xiao Wen could be together, it would be a good choice...

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