Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2713 Change to a safe place

The person in charge of sentry also came back and reported, "Sir, they got in the car and left."


Li Beijue stood up, turned around, walked to the bedside and asked, "Can I still get up? We need to move to a safer place."

Xize Hao was humiliated so badly that he must be feeling depressed in his heart, and he would probably come back later with someone to kill him.

After all, this is country T, the territory of the Nishizawa family.

Even if he temporarily mobilized a special forces unit, he would not be able to defeat the opponent's lair. The opponent's numbers were overwhelming. If Xize Hao gathers his troops and fights back again, they may not be able to resist.

"It might be a little difficult, let me try." Xize Lie lifted the quilt.

Only then did the others realize how seriously injured he was.

His waist and abdomen were all wrapped with gauze. The root of the thigh was also injured. Even though the two opponents were wrapped in such thick gauze, there was still blood seeping out. You can imagine how serious his injuries were.

The black bodyguard stepped forward and gave him a hand.

Xize Lie reluctantly stood up.

Such a simple movement made the thin sweat on his forehead break out in pain, and his already pale face became even more pale now.

No wonder he hasn't changed hospitals in the past two days.

It was obvious that it was not that Nishizawa Lie didn't realize that he would be easily found if he stayed in one place for a long time. But he was injured so badly in the accident that he couldn't move at all.

Li Beijue frowned and ordered the black man, "Carry him down."

"Yes, Sir."

With the help of several people, the big black man quickly carried Nishizawa down. They quickly got into the car, and dozens of people immediately evacuated the small foreign building and drove to the suburbs of the city——

The outskirts of the city are surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers, and on the edge of the mountains and rivers is the T City Military Region. The group of cars drove into the military area and drove unimpeded to the vicinity of the clinic.

The car stopped.

The military doctors here in the military region had already received the news and had prepared stretchers and were waiting outside.

As soon as their car stopped, someone immediately directed them to carry the wounded, "Quick, quick, bring the people in, be careful not to touch the wounded."

After a lot of fuss, Nishizawa Lie was sent inside.

The military doctor checked his wound, re-sutured him, gave him a set of anti-inflammatory drugs, and told him to rest more before going out.

Xize Lie was lying on the bed. The place where his left leg and waist and abdomen had been sutured were burning with pain. He closed his eyes and relied on his self-control to endure the pain in his body. When he could bear it a little longer, he opened his eyes again, took out a mobile phone from his body, and sent a message to the undercover agent he arranged next to Xize Hao, asking him to continue lurking. While tightening his thin lips, he planned his subsequent counterattack.

The reason why he took such a risk this time was that, apart from being too injured to move, there was another reason - now the struggle for the heir to the Nishizawa family had entered a fever pitch, and he and Nishizawa Hao were at the stage of a life-or-death situation. He still wanted to give Xize Hao a chance to test whether he would care about brotherhood.

If Caesar Hao is willing to care about brotherhood, he will be merciful. It doesn't matter even if he leaves the Caesar family to be managed by Caesar Hao. He only needs a part of his power to protect Chi Enen.

But just now, Xizehao didn't care about brotherhood at all. As soon as he found out his location, he immediately came to the door. He didn't even want to say more and wanted to let him die immediately...

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