Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2714 It’s really because of Chi Enen

Xize Lie's eyes were cold. He was not a ruthless person, but Xize Hao's various behaviors made his heart completely cold.

If the two of them really had nothing to lose, then he would not give Xize Hao another chance.

There was only one chance, and Xize Hao didn't cherish it.

At this moment, there was a "click" sound and the door opened.

A tall and straight man walked in from the outside, glanced at him, narrowed his eagle eyes, and asked, "How are you? You can't die?"

"You can't die as long as Young Master Li is here." Xize Lie suppressed the coldness in his eyes, glanced at him, and did not force himself to sit up. He asked with a pale face, "Now that the others are gone, can I ask why Young Master Li is here? Don't tell me it's a coincidence."

"It's not a coincidence. I have people watching you all the time! Someone told me the first time you were injured!" Li Beijue did not regard his behavior as surveillance at all, and said matter-of-factly, "I will not let anyone with this knowledge go unchecked." A threatening love rival is dangling under my nose!"

"So that's what it is..." He also said that it was impossible for Li Beijue to be in country Y by chance, and to know his situation and bring someone here.

Sure enough, it was because Li Beijue knew the situation of Xize's family in advance.

"A reason to help me."

Since this man knew in advance, he came here specially. So here comes the point, the reason.

He knew very well that he had never had any transaction of interest with this man, and this man was not someone who was driven by small interests.

Then why did he go all the way to save himself?

Li Beijue stared at his face, his sharp eyes roaming over his face. He looked away for a while and said coldly, "Don't worry, I have no interest in coming to save you. I only saved you to help Chi Enen repay the debt." Favor. She remembers kindness but not grudge. As long as she remembers your kindness to Nono, she will treat you specially. I don't allow her to have any special person in her heart, even if it's just to repay kindness!

It just so happened that I heard that you might be played to death, so I came here. It's not to help you, it's to repay that woman's favor. "

"Are you here just to help Enen and repay a favor?" Sure enough, every move he made was for Chi Enen!

The noble man did not answer him, but simply said, "You will stay here to recuperate for the next half month. Xi Zehao never thought that you would hide in here. Even if he thought of it, he wouldn't be able to get in. So during this period Here, you are absolutely safe. Of course, it is none of my business if you try to escape."

"From now on, you and Chi Enen are clean. I have paid back all the favors she owes you. Don't let me find out that you are looking for her secretly next time. Otherwise, what Xizehao didn't do just now will be done to me." Don’t mind helping him finish it!”

The last sentence is definitely not a threat, it is a verbal warning!

After saying this, he glanced at Xize Lie one last time, turned around and walked to the door. He stopped a second before going out and added, "The military doctors here are all top-notch. It won't take long for you to cooperate with the treatment." Get out. Don't seek death during this period. Stay in the military area to recuperate. I'll leave tomorrow. If you want to do anything, tell my people. I'll help you solve it if it's not a problem. !”

Without waiting for Xize Lie to speak, he closed the door.

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