Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2715 Calling Her Late at Night

The military doctor was about to go in with the medicine. When he met him, he immediately stepped aside respectfully and said, "Hello, Sir."

"Well. You go in first."


The medic went in.

The black bodyguard who threatened Xize Hao before was guarding the door like an iron tower. The mere sight of him punching there made people feel the pressure.

"Keep guard here." Li Beijue glanced at him and ordered, "His safety is in your hands."

The man made a military command gesture and said seriously, "Don't worry, Sir, I will do whatever it takes to protect Young Master Lie, including my life!"

"No need to sacrifice your life." Li Beijue threw a badge to him.

The black man caught it with his backhand, looked down, and suddenly showed a surprised look.

"If there is danger, use this to mobilize manpower. Just report to me afterwards! Remember, I don't want you to sacrifice your lives under any circumstances!"

Damn it, they were asked to exchange their own lives for Xize Lie's. Chi Enen felt guilty again after knowing this.

The black man never thought he would say this, and his steely face revealed a look of emotion. He quickly covered it up, solemnly clenched the badge in his hand, and said loudly, "Don't worry, Sir, I will protect Mr. Lie." "Safety!"


Li Beijue turned around and walked out.

He wants to hide people in their territory and also goes to say hello to them.

An hour later, he finished all the trivial matters at hand and returned to the hotel room tiredly.

He stayed in the presidential suite of the most luxurious hotel in country Y. The 360° floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the entire city at night.

There was an exquisitely designed bar in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. The man who had been busy all day took out a bottle of brandy from the bar, unscrewed the cork, poured half the glass into a transparent glass.

He picked it up and took a sip, then sat on the chair and rubbed his swollen temples. He took out his cell phone and looked up the chat history with Chi Enen during the day.

His body was obviously exhausted to the extreme, but when he saw Q-versions of little turtles rolling in circles on the white-lit mobile phone screen, Li Beijue suddenly felt less tired for some reason.

He didn't even want to take a shower in the first place.

Instead, he dug out the call history and called the only number saved above.


It beeped more than a dozen times before the call was connected.

The sleepy voice of the little woman came from the other end, "Hey, Li Beijue, do you know what time it is?"

She must have fallen asleep and was woken up by the phone call. Her voice still had a soft and waxy sound to it, which was very cute.

Just because it was so cute, Li Beijue clearly felt that his lower abdomen suddenly tightened, and a fire started to burn from his lower abdomen, spreading so fast that it almost burned his brain.

damn it!

She knew he was out of the country and deliberately seduced him in the middle of the night!

If Chi Enen knew what he was thinking, he would definitely cry out for injustice. The ghost was seducing him. She was just expressing her dissatisfaction with being woken up in the middle of the night and complaining about him.

"Ten thirty."

Chi Enen gradually woke up after being woken up. He got up and turned on the bedside lamp, propped up his pillow and leaned on the bed. He glanced helplessly at the quartz clock on the wall to remind him, "It's two o'clock in the morning in country W! "

"It's half past ten at night here!" He was as domineering as a Tyrannosaurus rex, and of course he emphasized that it was not even bedtime here.

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