Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2732 Support you in taking legal procedures

"Mr. Huo, what's going on?" The hotel management was dumbfounded and didn't understand what happened.

Huo Yi quickly learned the cause and effect of the incident from Chi Enen. He smiled politely at the other party and said, "It's nothing, it's just a misunderstanding. This lady just bumped into our young lady. She was playing with her mobile phone and didn't look at the road and bumped into her. , he broke his mobile phone, but he forced it to force our young lady to pay compensation. Otherwise, he would take our young lady to the hospital for examination, claiming that our young lady hit her internal organs.

Our young lady wants her to watch the surveillance. If the responsibility is on our side, we are willing to compensate for her mobile phone. But the responsibility is not on our side, and we will certainly not condone her behavior of forcibly touching porcelain.

Who knew that this lady, seeing that our young lady was alone here, wanted to act like a rogue and force our young lady to pay for it, so she reached out to pull our young lady away. The bodyguard assigned to the young lady by the lord was treated as a dangerous person and controlled. "

He spoke clearly and in a very gentlemanly manner.

But every sentence is like a slap in the face of the woman who just tried to act like a gangster.

"As you know, our lordship is very concerned about the safety of the young lady. This lady took action first, and our bodyguards were just acting in self-defense. We have absolute reasons to take action. Of course, I also support this lady's rights through legal means. If there is a lawsuit, Li's chaebol's legal team will always accompany him to the end! "Who said Huo Yi has a good temper? He can be as fierce as anyone when he gets angry, but his way of handling it is relatively tactful compared to Li Beijue's. Much. For example, at this moment, he calmly put down his harsh words, and then politely said to the hotel management, "Manager Qing, we are sorry for the commotion we just caused to the hotel. I hope you don't mind, we also obey Sir Alex Order."

"Of course I don't mind, I don't mind." Li Beijue's three words carry too much weight!

What's more, Chi Enen's identity is not simple.

Strictly speaking, the Habsden family still has shares in their hotel, but they are just a small hotel, and the top management doesn't bother to take care of it at all.

His eyes rolled between the bodyguard and Chi Enen, and he couldn't hide his surprise.

He had already heard that Mr. Li wished he could cherish Miss Chi at the top of his heart and take her with him at all times when she was still an illegitimate daughter who was nothing. He wished he could spend 24 hours with this Miss Chi. Miss Chi is together. Unexpectedly, after getting married, he still cared so much about Miss Chi, and even secretly arranged two bodyguards for his wife to protect her secretly.

You know, this kind of bodyguard is not only difficult to find, but also very expensive.

Maintaining two bodyguards is almost like maintaining a mansion.

Even if most people have money, they will not spend it on their wives like this. This kind of flowering method really makes people love you so much that they are afraid of getting hurt at all.

"How about this, madam, do you want to take legal action?" Huo Yi turned to look at the woman who had been acting aggressively before. She seemed to have a warm attitude, but her aura was not warm at all, she was extremely strong.

"No...I won't take legal action..." The reason why the woman just now dared to be so arrogant was just because Chi Enen was a person, and she looked like she couldn't beat her physically, so she was so arrogant.

Now that she was dealt with once, Huo Yi said harsh words again.

She was not blind, so she could certainly see that these people were people she could not afford to offend. Shaking her head wildly without thinking, she shrank her neck and hid behind the security guard as if she was afraid that Huo Yi would hold on to her.

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