Biquge, the fastest update of love marriage: big CEO, little sweetheart!

Huo Yi never thought about arguing with her. After negotiating with the hotel manager, he led Chi Enen away.

And the two bodyguards who suddenly jumped out before were nowhere to be found, and it felt like they had blended into the crowd again.

"Young madam, I'm sorry, I was too slow, I almost shocked you just now." Huo Yi said to her in a low voice and apologized after walking out of the hotel with her.

Chi Enen said, "It's okay. I wasn't scared. I was just a little surprised. I didn't even know there were bodyguards following me."

Huo Yi respectfully explained to her, "The two bodyguards you mentioned are the people specially arranged for you by Sir Alex, who are responsible for your life safety. They got on the plane with us before, and their mission was to be with Sir Alex When I am not with you, I will protect you every step of the way. The Lord is worried about your safety and has no intention of letting them spy on the young lady."

In fact, Li Beijue not only told the two bodyguards to protect Chi Enen's safety 24 hours a day, but also told them to report Chi Enen's every move to him at any time.

Huo Yi also knew this, but he knew it very well. Li Beijue did this not because he didn't trust Chi Enen, but because he was simply possessive.

As long as it's the young lady's affairs, the lordship wants to know every detail!

"I know." Chi Enen didn't think much about it. Even if she knew that these two people would report their actions to Li Beijue, she would not be surprised.

After all, it’s not like someone hasn’t done it before.

Anyway, he is domineering and possessive.

When you like someone, you can't just like that person's advantages, but you must also tolerate their shortcomings.

Since she chose to like him, she was ready to accept his shortcomings, even if his shortcomings were more difficult to accept.

"Well, nothing happened just now, it was just a small accident. Butler Huo, didn't you come over in time to help me solve it? Let's go to the supermarket quickly and buy vegetables." She smiled and said The gentle and friendly feeling was like a breeze blowing away the negative emotions. "I cook very slowly. I don't know if I can finish it before he comes back."

"The young lady will do it after the lord comes back, and the lord will be very happy." Huo Yi smiled and said relaxedly, "As long as the young lady comes, it will be a surprise for the lord."


Chi Enen was embarrassed by what he said, and the tips of her ears were a little hot. She quickly avoided Huo Yi's teasing and serious eyes, and walked forward quickly, "Ahem, I still want to get it done before he comes back, Huo Yi Butler, let’s hurry up.”

"Okay, young lady." Huo Yi opened his legs, always walking half a step behind her, and quickened his pace with her.

There was indeed a fresh food supermarket 300 meters away, which contained many fruits and vegetables. Chi Enen bought the vegetables and picked out some fruits. Then I walked to the fresh food section and bought a fish and some meat.

She carefully selected every ingredient and selected the freshest parts. After she bought what she wanted to buy, she pushed the cart and went to check out with Huo Yi.

On the way back to the hotel, Huo Yi refused to let her carry the plastic bag, and steadily helped her carry a large bag of things back to the presidential suite where Li Beijue lived.

Room 001.

Just by hearing the room number, you can tell how special this room is.

Huo Yi swiped his card to open the door and turned on the entrance light.

Chi Enen walked in and couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

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