Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2738 Saw the surprise she prepared

"Um, Li Beijue?"

"do not speak!"

He hugged the little woman in his arms tightly and closed his eyes to calm his chaotic breath.

damn it.

She was really the one sent by God to defeat him!

As soon as he touched her, his reason and self-control turned into bubbles, which would shatter without being blown by the wind.

He held the little woman's waist tightly in his arms, and Chi Enen's natural soapy smell penetrated into his body pervasively. He originally planned to hold her and slowly calm down the tight and explosive urge below, but he found that There was no way he could calm down while holding her.

The bottom is getting tighter and tighter...

No matter how reluctant Li Beijue was, he could only let go of his hand and put some distance between him and Chi Enen, "I'm going to take a shower."

"Now?" Chi Enen followed him in depressedly, frowning, "Can we go after dinner?"

He's about to explode down there!

For another minute, he was afraid that he would not be in the mood to taste the surprise she had prepared for him. In order to be able to eat the surprise first and then eat her, he had to take a shower.

"Five minutes, I promise to be out in five minutes."

Chi Enen was embarrassed for a moment, "I'm not rushing you, okay, you go ahead, I'll wait for you outside."


The tall man walked straight into the bedroom with his long legs. After a while, the sound of rushing water came from inside.

Chi Enen's face was still red and extremely hot.

While fanning her face with her hands to cool down, she returned to the kitchen and prepared to serve out the porridge she was cooking. They bumped into Huo Yi, who had been nesting in the kitchen to make room for them.

"Young madam, do you need anything? I'll get it for you." Huo Yi had long been used to it. His face was calm and calm, as if he didn't know what was going on outside. He put down the things in his hands and wanted to help Chi Enen. busy.

On the other hand, Chi Enen was too thin-skinned to pretend that he didn't know. She avoided his eyes and said, "I'll serve the porridge."

"Just let me come. Young Madam, please go out and sit down first. The porridge is too hot. I'll put it in and bring it out." Huo Yi blocked her from letting her pass. After thinking about it, he handed over the coffee he had just put down. Go over and ask, "Madam, can you help me take the Lord's coffee out?"

"Okay." Chi Enen couldn't help but took the cup and was kicked out.

She took the coffee to Li Beijue's seat and waited for the person taking a bath inside to come out.

He came out in less than five minutes just as he said.

The silver-gray bathrobe was draped loosely around him, with a lazy belt tied around the waist, revealing a large area of ​​fair skin on his chest, with water drops still on it, rolling down from time to time...

Bewitch's figure is even more charming than what I saw in the video last night.

Chi Enen quickly removed his eyes, pulled out the chair and said, "Sit."

The man who had just taken a cold shower to cool down his anger sat down, his noble eagle eyes swept over the appetizing dishes on the table, looked at Chi Enen, and touched his thin lips, "When did you learn to do this?" Ready for the dish?”

He knew this woman's cooking skills and could only cook a few simple home-cooked dishes. Assorted seafood is quite troublesome to make. When did she learn to make it?

"I've watched instructional videos online several times, and today is the first time I've made it. But I just tried the taste, and it's pretty good."

Chi Enen handed him the chopsticks and said expectantly, "Try it and see how it tastes."

Li Beijue raised his eyebrows, took the chopsticks she handed over, picked up a piece of lettuce and tried it. The aroma is overflowing and the taste is actually good.

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