Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2741 Discuss the script together

It is already night in country Y, but it is still daytime in country W.

In Xinghao Entertainment Company, Lin Anxin was discussing the script with the director, assistant director, and several screenwriters from the "Time Knows" crew.

"How about if Miss Lin's role is slightly changed as you said, and the role of the other heroine remains unchanged?" Generally, a script cannot be completed by one screenwriter.

Several screenwriters discuss and discuss together to polish a script, and among several screenwriters there will be a chief screenwriter who controls the main direction of the script.

Another small screenwriter is responsible for the more cumbersome issues of fleshing out supporting characters.

The role that Lin Anxin is interested in is not the main female lead in this script, but judging from the script, her role is more of a traditional female lead.

But she liked this role very much, and after discussing with Shanni, she decided to play this role.

She has been studying the script carefully these days, and now based on her many years of acting experience, she has asked the screenwriter to modify the parts of the script that she thinks are unreasonable for the character.

After a few days of contact with her, the screenwriter found that she was serious about giving opinions based on her experience of the character. She did not modify the script like other big-name female stars, just to force herself to add drama, and she didn't care what your script originally looked like. You just brought your own screenwriter and changed your good script beyond recognition.

"Okay. I don't think there's a big problem with the overall story and character design. It's just the character I want to play. I can modify some small details to highlight the character's ambivalence. This can make her and the heroine's relationship better. The lines are more conflicting, after all, the character itself is a weird elf type, so it’s better to write it freely.”

The chief screenwriter breathed a long sigh of relief, hugged his beloved script, and sighed, "I wanted to let go and write at first, but you know, Miss Lin. Nowadays, many actresses care about the character of the character. Originally, This role is destined to be quite controversial. We also took the actor into consideration when we were discussing the writing. We were afraid that better actors would not accept this role and it would be difficult for new actors to handle this kind of inner comparison. It’s a complex character. We had no choice but to make changes in small details because we wanted to finally make the script that we had been working on for several years.”

When he saw Lin Anxin and the new director, his unshaven face showed a smile of relief, "Fortunately, we were lucky enough to meet Director Lan and Miss Lin. Otherwise, this script might have to be scrapped."

They took this script to several big companies, but no film company was optimistic about their script, and even if they found new actors to star in the film, no investors put in the money.

They wasted more than a year writing this book, and spent more than a year finding a buyer for this book. It took a total of three years.

To be honest, although he had a small amount of savings, he still had to pay wages to his team as they had to eat.

After going back and forth, I really can’t wait any longer.

He told himself at that time that if he could not find an owner for this book in another month, he would give up the book and take on a new job.

Fortunately, he finally met someone who appreciated their non-mainstream book.

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