Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2740: Exercise is needed after meals to help digestion

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of love marriage: big CEO, little sweetheart!

"Yes." Li Beijue was not used to chatting while eating, so he began to eat attentively.

Chi Enen couldn't eat any more halfway through his meal.

Seeing him eating one bowl after another, he ate most of the pot of porridge. He didn't forget to tell Huo Yi about the remaining portion, "I'll wrap the rest in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator. I'll eat it tomorrow morning." ”

"Okay, Sir." Huo Yi cleared the dining table and went to do the things he asked.

Chi Enen looked at him eating so much in a hurry, reached out to touch his belly, frowned and said, "Let's go for a walk and exercise later. If you eat so much at night, you won't be able to digest it and you won't be able to sleep." Not."

The handsome man's eyes darkened, he looked at her and said, "I have to exercise before going to bed."

"Huh?" Chi Enen vaguely felt that the exercise he was talking about was different from the exercise he was talking about.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Someone had already stood up and took her hand, "Chi Enen, sleep with me."

Of course, she was never given a chance to refuse.

Chi Enen is not stupid. He has already taken action. It would be strange if he doesn't know what he wants to do. She also tried to make a final struggle, "Well, let's go for a walk before going to sleep."

“I have better ways to ‘exercise’ without going for a walk!”

He wanted to hold her and sleep with her since last night.

It's a pity that she was in country W yesterday.

Since she came to his door today, don't blame him for wanting her.

Thinking of the fact that he woke up in the middle of the night last night and found that she was not around, he took his mobile phone to the study and listened to her breathing all night.

There is no way to control the body's cravings.

Want her! ,

I want to hear her whisper his name.

I want to see how cute she is when she is out of control and trying to stay calm in bed.

He wants her now!

"I think it's better to take a walk..." His burning eyes almost melted people.

Chi Enen swallowed and hugged the door, determined not to go in.

Li Beijue was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he bent down, picked her up and walked to the bedroom.


Chi Enen suddenly felt suspended in the air and exclaimed. By the time she reacted, she had already landed on the soft big bed.

Li Beijue simply and roughly closed the door, leaned down, buried his head in her neck, his hot breath sprayed on her collarbone, and whispered softly, "Don't move, let me hold you properly." you."

"..." Chi Enen stopped moving and let him hold her like a toy.

Li Beijue raised his head when he had finished hugging her. His domineering and deep eagle eyes stared at her closely, and after a while he said, "I'm very happy. I'm really, really happy today. Thank you."

He had never received such a happy surprise.

From the moment she opened the door and suddenly appeared, he felt like he was stepping on clouds tonight. It was so pleasurable that he was even afraid that it was all a dream.

Only by holding her tightly can you be sure that this moment is real.

He had always taken the initiative to find this woman. He never thought that one day Chi Enen would fly to his place to find him because she missed him.

That feeling makes your damn heart beat faster!

When Chi Enen heard this, he was startled. He came back to his senses, raised a gentle smile on his lips, stretched out his arms and hooked his neck, "Li Beijue, I am very happy that you are happy."

These words were like poison, igniting the fire in the air in the next second~

The night is still very long——

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