Lina was furious, and when she saw that Lin Anxin was speechless by what she said, she became even more angry and sneered, "Why, I was right."

Lin Anxin was about to vomit out a mouthful of blood because of her intelligence. She replied speechlessly, "I have explained everything I should. If you insist on saying it's me, I am who I am."

She still meant that it wasn't her.

But when she heard it, it turned into a disguised admission in Lina's ears.

She suddenly rushed towards Lin Anxin in anger, raised her hands and cursed angrily, "You bitch!"


A hard slap hit Lin Anxin's face.

Not only that, because Lina herself has very long nails, which are also trimmed to a sharp point. When she just slapped Lin Anxin, she deliberately scratched Lin Anxin's face with her nails.

Although Lin Anxin pushed her away quickly, she still felt a burning pain on her face.

She touched her face, and her fingertips were stained with red blood.

"Fuck you, you're crazy!" Lin Anxin couldn't believe that Lina actually dared to do something in the company, and she still pounced on her without her life.

It's crazy.

Lina was pushed away by her but before she could stop, she pounced on you again with scarlet eyes, "I'll beat you to death! You bitch, you've ruined my career now, I won't let you go!"

"Your sister, you're crazy!" Lin Anxin dodged twice, and then she grabbed her arm frantically, leaving five bloody marks.

Which one is unbearable? My uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it anymore!

Lin Anxin couldn't bear it anymore, so she couldn't bear it anymore. While dodging, she looked for opportunities to fight back, "You think I'm afraid of you, right?"


Damn it!

Lin Anxin was almost mad at her.

She fought back decisively, finding an opening to return the slap that Lina had just thrown at her when she was caught off guard, "Pa—"

A clear and loud slap in the face.

Lin Anxin distanced herself from her, cold and charming, "How are you? Are you awake?"

"You dare to hit me?" Lina covered her face and looked at her angrily.

The left side of Lin Anxin's face was burning with pain. She was shot just lying down today, and Lina was the one who struck first. Why didn't she dare to fight back, "I'll hit you if I hit you. Why, I have to look at the almanac!"

This sentence successfully made Lina's blood surge with anger, and she rushed forward to fight again.

Lin Anxin is not a vegetarian, and she will not suffer for no reason. Even if Lina wanted to pounce on her and cause trouble, she wouldn't be afraid. Fight back when you should fight back, pull your hair when you should. In short, try to protect yourself from being disadvantaged, and take the opportunity to deal with someone who is crazy and let her sober up.

The other people in the small conference room finally reacted. Seeing the two people fighting each other, they were afraid that Lin Anxin would suffer, so they quickly stepped forward and pulled the two away.

Other staff of the company notified the top management after hearing the news. As the newly appointed director, An Ran rushed over immediately. The first thing she saw was Lina's miserable condition, like a crazy woman, and then she saw the bloody stain on the left side of Lin Anxin's face.

Her eyes flashed, her face was cold, and she yelled angrily, "Okay, why are you making a fuss in the company? You are all the most valued artists in the company, what does it look like to make a fuss like this! You don't think you are shameful enough, and you want to make a fuss. Scandal coming?"

Lin Anxin was pulled away first. She wiped the blood on her face with her arm and grimaced in pain.

Depend on.

I don’t know how hard she grabbed it, but it hurt so much when I touched it.

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