Linna was very excited. After all, An Ran was one of the company's top executives. Now that she had such a big incident, she shouldn't offend the company's top executives too much. She is also afraid that if she is not careful, the company will give up on her, and she will be really ruined. As long as the company is still willing to take care of her, she can avoid the limelight during this period and actually still have a chance to mix in the circle.

After she was pulled away, she straightened her messed up hair, not caring that she was in a mess. The bad guy complained first, "Director An, I don't want to cause trouble in the company. But some people go too far! We are all in the same company. An artist, she actually tried to kill me! I was so angry that I asked her to argue with her. She even admitted that she did it herself, and I..."

She spoke of grievance, as if she was so aggrieved that she was speechless.

An Ran's eyes kept flickering as she listened, and she looked at Lin Anxin, "Is what Lina said true?"

Lin An was so annoyed that she kept wandering in front of him these days. When she heard An Ran deliberately pretending to be stupid, she didn't bother to give face. She wiped the wound on her arm with a smile and said, "She said yes That’s right, I’m not covering her mouth. She can do whatever she wants.”

The directors and screenwriters in the conference room had a good relationship with her and spoke for her, "I can prove that this matter has nothing to do with Miss Lin. It was Miss Linna who suddenly broke in and questioned Miss Lin first. After Miss Lin explained Without her knowledge, Miss Linna suddenly took action and scratched Miss Lin’s face first. Miss Lin’s subsequent actions were purely self-defense.”

"Yes, I can also prove that Miss Linna acted first this time, and Miss Lin was purely the victim."

"I can prove it too."

"We can all prove it."

Lina's nose was so angry that she twisted her nose, "You are on the same side with her, so of course you can help her speak. How dare you say that she didn't admit that she did something sorry for me."

The others retorted to her truthfully, "We all heard that Miss Lin's words meant that she was unaware of it. If you insist on saying that she did it, there is nothing she can do."

"That's right, Miss Lin never said she did it. It was you who insisted and she didn't let go. She said that because she couldn't help it."

"You guys -" Lina turned her head angrily and stared at Lin Anxin, forcing Lin Anxin to say, "Tell yourself, did you admit it just now?"

"I admit that your IQ is indeed very impressive. No wonder you were designed to be so miserable. With your IQ, I now seriously doubt how you managed to get out in the circle before and have been around for so long." When Lin Anxin said rudely He was really rude, "It's amazing that you didn't get beaten to death."

"What do you mean!" Lina meant to step forward again.

Lin Anxin glanced at her coldly and warned coldly, "I tell you, I was already merciless just now. If you dare to do it again, believe it or not, I will kick you in the face!"

Lina was frightened by her eyes and hesitated for a moment, not daring to move.

An Ran had enough of watching the commotion from the side, and seeing that Lina was at a disadvantage, he pretended to stop the two parties, "That's enough! I just told you not to make trouble in the company, and you are getting more and more excited. You are still Do you take the company seriously?"

After she scolded her, she pretended to be generous and said, "There are so many of you, and I can't even hear what's going on. Come to the office with me."

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