Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2746 Sorry, I won’t cooperate

Lin Anxin didn't want to be alone with her for a minute. Enen had reminded her many times to be careful with this woman. Although she didn't think An Ran would do anything to her in the company, she didn't have a masochistic tendency and would actively seek disgust.

She picked up the bag on the table, put the script into the bag, and refused coldly, "If you want to go, let the troublemaker go. I won't go."

"Also, if the director can't hear clearly what's going on, you can call up the surveillance video and check. If I remember correctly, surveillance cameras are installed everywhere in the company. There should be some in this conference room. Just take a look at the surveillance video. I know who made the first move and who made the complaint first. I have something else to do and I don’t have time to be the commentator. You can ask her, she will definitely be happy to do so.”

After she finished speaking, she said apologetically to the other people in the conference room, "Sorry everyone, I may not be able to have hot pot today. I have to go back first."

"It's okay, you go first."

"Yeah, you go take care of the wound first. Then we can eat together next time we have a chance."

“After the movie starts, there are many opportunities to eat.”

Lin Anxin got everyone's understanding, picked up her bag and left.

An Ran didn't expect that Lin Anxin would be so disrespectful to her. She slammed the table with a cold face and said in an elite manner, "Miss Lin, I hope you will cooperate with the company and not be so willful!"

Lin Anxin turned around, glanced at her, and said calmly, "I am very cooperative with the company. If you don't know, you can ask the company's old employees and see what they say. I will cooperate with any reasonable request, and as for unreasonable Sorry, I have nothing but bones. I can’t cooperate!”

She is not afraid that An Ran will target her in the company. She is just a member of Xinghao Entertainment and is not really an artist of Xinghao Entertainment.

She does not rely on Xinghao Entertainment for her resources.

If An Ran wanted to block her in terms of resources, it would be impossible.

The only thing that has an impact is that she offends the senior management so directly, and it is easy for the other party to take advantage of her.

Lin Anxin is not afraid either.

To put it bluntly, it is no longer possible for her to live peacefully with An Ran. An Ran would definitely wear small shoes for her, so why should she comply with her wishes and cooperate with her to pretend to be peaceful?

She just doesn't get along with the new director.

Now that she was making a fuss and making this point obvious, An Ran did not dare to be so obvious when targeting her.

"If Director An is okay, please step aside. I have to go to the hospital." Lin Anxin has an arrogant attitude, is bright and flamboyant, and is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away.

An Ran narrowed her eyes, without a trace of smile on her face, and looked at her coldly, "What if I say that Miss Lin can't leave until the matter is cleared up?"

Lin Anxin raised an eyebrow and said, "The director has so much power. I don't seem to have committed any murder or arson. Why, you still want to imitate the police and lock me up?"

The two of them were going back and forth, and it was full of excitement.

Even the other protagonist of the incident, Lina, was pushed aside and had no sense of presence.

"I just hope that Miss Lin will cooperate with my work."

"I can't cooperate."

The two people's eyes met in mid-air, and the lightning struck with crackling sounds.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't understand why the conflict between Lin Anxin and Lin Anxin was still there before. As they talked, it seemed that the new director had an even greater conflict with Lin Anxin.

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