As the sun sets, night covers the entire city, and the high-rise buildings outline the prosperity of the metropolis.

Under the dazzling lights, the Kevlin Hotel is magnificent, gathering the city's celebrities.

Lu Qinglian went back and changed her clothes, and then came to the hotel after dressing up carefully.

She was led into the restaurant on the third floor by the hotel waiter.

Standing by the window of the restaurant, I saw a man who was more dazzling than the light.

"Miss Lu, your reserved seat is right in front."

"OK, thanks."

Lu Qinglian lifted up her skirt and walked quickly over there...

As soon as she walked to the dining table, she immediately put on a perfect smile and greeted the man on the seat, "Zhi'ang, I'm sorry for the long wait. I just came back from the set and was delayed a bit."

"It doesn't matter." Lu Zhiang looked calmly and picked up the menu, "Let's order first."


Lu Qinglian pulled up her chair and sat down. She picked up the menu and deliberately chose the same dishes as the person opposite. Then she put the menu down, reached for the water glass on the table, lowered her head and took a sip. He slowly raised his head, found the best angle for himself under the light, and said softly, "Zhi'ang, I didn't expect your identity to be so mysterious that it would be related to the Os family. When you suddenly disappeared, I was really worried about you, worried that something might happen to you. Fortunately, you were okay."

"I heard from my manager that you helped the band a lot." Lu Zhiang's handsome face showed fatigue. He shook the cup in his hand and said casually, "You came to me today because you want me to help you solve your problem." Trouble now, huh?"

He came too directly.

This completely disrupted Lu Qinglian's previous plan to slowly change the topic to the scandal step by step.

She couldn't say no, so she could only admit awkwardly, "Yes, I'm in some trouble. So I want you to help me to suppress the news. Of course, if I'm in trouble, you can't help me." It doesn’t matter. I just want to have dinner with you today, nothing else.”

Lu Zhiang didn't know if he took her explanation to heart. His dark jade-like eyes fell on her, and Lu Qinglian's heartbeat quickened. Then he said, "You have helped me, I can help you."

When he first debuted, he provoked a lot of people because of his appearance. One of them, a big boss, took a fancy to him and insisted on having him drink with him.

Lu Qinglian happened to be there that day, and for some unknown reason at the time, she helped him once and reminded him that there was something in the glass of wine.

He narrowly escaped that time without being plotted and eaten.

After that, he disappeared, and his agent found Lu Qinglian, who used his connections to help Annan and the others resolve many difficulties.

In short, Lu Qinglian helped him, and he has not forgotten it.

After receiving a call from Lu Qinglian today, he asked someone to check what happened. He knew the cause and effect of the matter very well, and he also knew that Lu Qinglian used Linna's help to plot Lin Anxin this time. Essentially, Lu Qinglian wanted to hurt Lin Anxin, and he definitely didn't want to care about Lu Qinglian. But Lu Qinglian was indeed kind to him and also kind to the band, so he couldn't ignore it.

After a comprehensive analysis, he said it could help.

The implicit meaning of this sentence is that he can help her this time, but he will not help her again in the future, and they are clean.

It depends on whether Lu Qinglian understands what he means.

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