Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2759 So it was you who did it?

Lu Qinglian was ecstatic when she heard that he agreed to help, but before the ecstasy passed, she noticed Lu Zhiang's indifferent expression, and after recalling Lu Zhiang's words, her heart tightened suddenly.

Doesn't he mean what she understands?

Lu Qinglian carefully forced out a smile and asked tentatively, "Zhiang, am I going to embarrass you too much? In fact, this matter is all a misunderstanding. It's all my fault. I don't get along well with my colleagues in the same company." Relationship. Lina, hasn’t she been photographed in bad news these days? She didn’t know where she heard it, saying that I found someone to frame her, so she deliberately set up a trap for me..."

Lu Qinglian bit her lip and looked embarrassed, "I don't want the matter to get too big and cause losses to the company. I just came to you to ask if there is anything you can do. If it's too embarrassing for you, forget it, I You can figure it out yourself.”

Lu Zhiang listened to her quietly, and the waiter in the restaurant brought the steak they ordered. Lu Zhiang picked up the lemonade glass in his hand, shook it, put it down, raised his head, and looked at her face. His dark eyes were like a deep well that reflected her appearance, "So is the reporter who photographed Lina? your people?"

Lu Qinglian felt like someone was strangling her neck, and her throat was so stuck. At that moment, she could hardly deny it immediately, "I..."

She avoided her eyes and explained awkwardly, "The entertainment industry is very competitive. You have been in this industry before, you know. Sometimes we can't help ourselves."

She seemed to have found a backbone, calmed down, and dared to look into Lu Zhiang's eyes, "That reporter is mine. But it's not what you think. I didn't know in advance that he was following Lina. He usually is with My agent contacted me. My agent probably asked him to take the photo. After all, Lina and I had been dissatisfied with each other for a long time. I lost a very important international resource. My agent has been trying to help me vent my anger.”

The more she spoke, the calmer she became. She held her chin with her hands and smiled charmingly. "Of course, it would be a lie to say that I was completely unaware."

"After her news broke, my agent told me about the reporter. I felt very relieved."

"Oh?" Lu Zhiang was still extremely cold, not at all impressed by her seamless explanation. He looked away and picked up the knife and fork to cut the steak on the plate. The leather collar on his wrist was particularly eye-catching. The leather material made his wrists white and delicate, which was in sharp contrast to the sleeves of the suit. "No matter what, Lina is an artist of the company. I don't care about your personal grudges. What you and your agent did was against the law." violated the company’s regulations and caused losses to the company.”

"Zhi'ang, I'm sorry. If I had known that my manager was going behind my back to find reporters to photograph her, I would have stopped her. I really didn't know beforehand, and I feel really guilty for causing you so much trouble." Lu When he asked himself, Qing Lian was already determined to admit that she framed Linna with the determination of a strong man to cut off his wrist. All he wanted to do was rely on his personal relationship with Lu Zhiang to make this big thing a trivial matter.

She lowered her head, with a charming charm.

"Otherwise, you'd better leave me alone and I'll think about it myself if there's any way to solve it."

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