Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2760 Mr. Si, Mr. Lu intervened

"No. I told you I can help you." Lu Zhiang cut the steak elegantly, put down his knife and fork, and said slowly while Lu Qinglian was embarrassed, "You helped me before, I remember it very clearly. I Not an ungrateful person, but it’s just this one time and it won’t happen next time.”

He made it clear that he would help him this time, and after helping her this time, from now on she would be no different to him than any other artist in the company.

Lu Qinglian was in agony, her whole body felt like she wanted to be roasted on the fire. She didn't know whether such a deal was a good deal for her.

Damn it, her original plan was to never give this man a chance to repay her previous kindness. In this way, she can walk sideways in Xinghao and always be in a special position! Who knew there would be an accident? Who exposed her to that lunatic Lina! Don't let her find out, otherwise she will definitely want that person to be good-looking!

"Master Si, Mr. Lu has intervened. The news on the Internet has begun to be taken down. What should we do next?" At the same time, Si Chen, who had sent the dog to the pet hospital, received a call from his subordinates.

"Mr. Si, please wait outside for a while. We will clean it up and bring it out to you." The owner of the pet shop took the leash handed over by the man and carefully picked up the oversized golden retriever.

The golden retriever is indeed one of the best-tempered dogs. When he was picked up, he stuck out his tongue happily and nuzzled the man's palm with his head cutely.

Si Chen smoothed its hair and nodded to his boss, "Give it a regular checkup and fix its hair."


The boss went inside with the golden retriever in his arms.

Si Chen turned around and sat down on the waiting sofa outside. Then he said to the person on the other end of the phone calmly, "Lu Zhiang? Did he interfere? Interesting. Don't worry about it for now, I know what to do."

"Yes, Mr. Si."

Si Chen hung up the phone and leaned on the sofa, sitting with his long legs crossed, flipping through the communication records on his phone in a noble manner and lazily. Soon, he found the phone number he was looking for and called it directly.


The phone rang twice and I picked it up.


He keenly heard the sound of the violin on the other end of the phone. The music was elegant and smooth. If he guessed correctly, the other party should be in the restaurant.

Si Chen narrowed his eyes, "Hey, Lu Zhiang."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, then he answered, "Master Si, why did you call me?"

"Do you know Lu Qinglian?" Si Chen asked lazily and casually, as if he already knew the answer.

There was another moment of silence on the other end before he said, "She helped me before, this time I'm just returning a favor to her."

"Tsk~" The man leaning on the sofa was full of nobility. He half-closed his eyelids and chuckled, full of sarcasm. "You misunderstood. I didn't call you to know why you wanted to help Lu Qinglian. I just told him You, you can't help her. You're too young! With your current connections, you can't save the person I want to move!"


He lit a cigarette and held it between his fingers, took a puff, flicked the ashes with his fingers, then narrowed his eyes and continued to say meaningfully, "But since you want to help her, I will help you. I will leave her a A way out."

"Why did you help me?" The person on the other end of the phone who had been silent for a long time finally spoke.

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