Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2761 You are not suitable for her

Si Chenjun's face was sinister and cold, but there was still a prince's smile on his lips, "Because An Xin will know about this sooner or later. When she knows, she will understand that you are not suitable for her. Even if I didn't intervene at the beginning, you guys will It’s destined not to be together.”

What women want is a sense of security, not right or wrong.

Maybe in Lu Zhiang's view, this was just a trivial matter, and in the end the woman didn't succeed. But his choice to help that woman was tantamount to standing on the opposite side of Lin Anxin.

There are many ways to return a favor, but he chose to hurt the person he likes.

This is youth.

He might have done this when he was younger, but not anymore. He has already missed once and hurt the person he likes once, and it is impossible to hurt him a second time.

Si Chen suddenly felt very happy. He imagined a certain little woman's reaction after knowing what Lu Zhiang had done. Feeling happier.

He could tell that the woman had always felt that she owed Lu Zhiang since he threatened her to issue a statement last time.

If she knew this time, I'm afraid she wouldn't feel so guilty when she faced Lu Zhiang again in the future.

"Okay, I called you just to tell you this. Now that I'm done, you can continue to dine with the beautiful woman."

"Does she know that you like to scheme with people so much?" Lu Zhiang's voice was deep, and he didn't know if he was stimulated by his provocation just now.

"Whether she knows it has nothing to do with you or not, it doesn't matter if she knows. It's enough for her to know that even if I plot against everyone, I won't plot against her!" Si Chen crushed the cigarette butt in his hand and continued, "Also, let me convey this to you That Miss Lu on the other side, don’t play tricks behind your back next time. I’ll help you this time. If you find out she’s doing things behind your back next time, I’ll make you regret coming to this world!”

Lu Zhiang looked at Lu Qinglian opposite him, pursed his lips and frowned.

Lu Qinglian was aroused by his stare again, and asked uneasily, "Zhi'ang, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." Lu Zhiang said quickly.

Si Chen heard the conversation on the phone and was more certain who was eating with Lu Zhiang at this point. He was not interested in the relationship between Lu Zhiang and the female star. After throwing the cigarette butt into the trash can, he put down his long legs and continued, "As for you, I don't care what your purpose is when you go back to identify that man. I remind you again not to involve Lin Anxin!" In the end, I don’t even want to see you!”

"I will not involve her, nor will I put her in danger..."

Si Chen didn't know whether he heard it or not, so he replied casually, "You'd better keep your word."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

It takes at least three hours for your pet dog to undergo a set of routine examinations, bathing and shearing. Si Chen was patient enough to wait outside for a full three hours before the door inside opened. He took the washed and slick dog from the boss and handed the card to the boss. After the boss swiped it, he enthusiastically handed it to him. Sent away.

The driver was waiting outside. When he saw him coming out with the dog, he immediately got out of the car and opened the door. "Boss, please get in the car."

Just as Si Chen was about to bend down and pick up the dog, he heard a voice.

"Si Chen?!"

He hugged the dog for a moment.

He saw a group of people walking up to him quickly. The leader of them, a man in black clothes and black trousers, looked very energetic.

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