Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2773 Fortunately, I left first

She just vaguely noticed that the girl accidentally photographed Si Chen while taking pictures. Although it was just a silhouette in a small corner, the man himself was eye-catching enough. Once that girl puts the photo online, someone will definitely recognize Si Chen.

The two of them came here to eat spicy hotpot at night. It would be strange if the paparazzi didn't follow them.

She didn't want Si Chen to be photographed by the paparazzi entering the same community as her, exposing the little nest she had finally bought.

Lin Anxin ate very quickly, and the boss was also very helpful in serving the food quickly. She finished it in three times, and Si Chen still had more than half of it left.

After seeing her finish eating, the noble man put down his chopsticks and said, "Let's go."

"You don't want to eat?" Lin Anxin asked in surprise as he looked at the half of the hot and sour noodles left.

Si Chen picked up the car keys and stood up, "I'm here to eat with you. Just eat when you're full."

"All right."

It was normal for a man to eat with his girlfriend, so she didn't feel too guilty. She packed her bag happily, waited for Si Chen to pay the bill, and got in the car together.

As soon as the Bugatti drove away, just as Lin Anxin expected, a paparazzi's car drove into the alley and passed them right by...

Ten minutes later they returned to Lin Anxin's small high-end apartment in the city center.

"I'm finally back~so tired~"

As soon as she entered the door, she put on her shoes and reached out to turn on the light.

Before his hands could even touch the lamp, he was already being hugged horizontally.

"Uh." She was startled and yelled, "What are you doing?"

Si Chen calmly carried her to the bedroom. As he walked, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Mrs. Si, were you full just now?"

As soon as Lin Anxin heard him call her Mrs. Si, she stepped on what he wanted to do and felt bad all over. Because it was all in the dark, she didn't dare to struggle too hard. If she fell down and hit her head on a sofa, chair, etc., she would suffer a big loss. So while she was holding the man's neck, she was forced to stammer, "I haven't eaten much..."

Si Chen gave a low laugh, and said with a dark heart, "Just in time, we can do something else to divert your attention."

Lin Anxin immediately shouted, "I said it wrong, I'm full, I'm full!"

It was impossible for him to let go of the cooked duck! Si Chen immediately raised the corner of his mouth and replied to her, "That's better. We can do some exercise to help digestion."

Damn it! ! ! !

Lin Anxin knew that he was waiting for her here.

The next second, she had landed firmly on the soft bed. As she approached, a hot body covered her.

"Peace of mind..." A whisper-like cry.

Lin Anxin's heart suddenly softened as she was still trying to struggle. She sighed, turned from passive to active, and took the initiative to turn over and pin him down.

"Lord, you brought it to me by yourself, so don't blame me for not being compassionate." She straddled his waist domineeringly and covered it with her arrogant red lips...

The temperature in the room suddenly rose, getting higher and higher, and the night was still very long...


After a night of hard work, Lin Anxin woke up the next morning with backache and leg cramps.

After finally getting out of bed, insisting on brushing my teeth and washing my face, I suddenly remembered something and walked to the bed and opened the drawer.


She searched around but couldn't find what she was looking for, and was stunned for a moment.

"I remember putting it here, what is it?"

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