The man on the bed has opened his eyes. His peach blossom eyes are as charming as a monster when he just woke up, trying to confuse people's hearts.


He said hello lazily, grabbed Lin Anxin's hand, and dragged her to the bed.

Lin Anxin slapped his hand away and said speechlessly, "Don't make trouble, I'm looking for something."

"What are you looking for?" Si Chen gradually woke up and glanced at the open drawer beside the bed. His eyes darkened, "Are you looking for birth control pills?"

Lin Anxin kept contraceptive pills in her bedside drawer, which was her habit.

Si Chen saw her eating it before, but he didn't say anything before.

Mainly because I'm not qualified to say anything.

"Yeah." Lin Anxin answered quickly, pulled away his hand, sat up, and searched around in front of the drawer but couldn't find it. He reacted belatedly, raised his head and looked at the person on the bed and asked , "Did you see the little bottle I put in the drawer?"

When he looked at the opened drawer just now, he knew what she was looking for, which meant that he knew she was used to putting this thing in the drawer.


The man who sat up replied calmly, "I saw it."

"Where?" Lin Anxin's eyes lit up and she immediately chased him and asked.

Si Chen lifted up the quilt and got up, walking towards the bathroom with his long legs, "I lost it."

"..." Lin Anxin stayed for a few seconds before reacting, "Did you lose it?"

Si Chen turned around and nodded, "Well, I lost it."

Lin Anxin's anger was instantly ignited, and he was in a state of rage. "Damn it, why did you lose it? You just treated me to a 13-yuan spicy hotpot and went online. That's too much."

Only now did she come to her senses.

Last night was their first day of marriage.

It's okay that she didn't have a proper celebration on the wedding night, so she just ate Malatang from a small alley (although she strongly requested to eat Malatang), but in the end it was just a bowl of Malatang.

She married him in vain, she spent 13 yuan on him, slept with her 4 times a night, and ate everything.

Forget it, he quietly threw away her medicine when he got up in the morning.

The more Lin Anxin thought about it, the angrier she became, and she bit someone with her teeth.

Si Chen was not angry even after being bitten. He waited until she finished venting before grabbing her hand, pushing her against the wall, and kissed her with a standard domineering wall-dong.

After the kiss ended, he looked at the panting person in his arms, looked at her with starry eyes and said, "An Xin, we are already married. From last night, we are legally a legal couple. So are our children. A child protected by the law. I want a child as cute as Chi baby Nono, don’t you?”

"They will call you mommy, and they will protect you just like Baby Chi protects Chi Enen. They will follow you around in a small and soft way..."

"Stop talking." Lin Anxin was pinched by him again. She pinched the flesh of his waist in frustration and turned away, "I won't do this again!"

If there is no barrier to marriage, she actually wants to have a child, a child of her own.

Even if she and this man cannot be together in the end, at least the child will be born during the marriage. When he grows up, he will not be laughed at by others for being an illegitimate child, nor will it cast a shadow on his childhood...

Si Chen perfectly poked her softest spot. Even though she knew that this man was scheming with her heart, she still couldn't resist the temptation of the cute baby.

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