Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2778 One day I will surpass you

Lin Anxin was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

Shanni touched her hair, her eyes curled up with a smile, "Okay, don't be moved, work hard for me after the contract is terminated! Don't let me disappear or be passive at work, anyway, Mr. Si can't control you, From now on, I will be the only one to take care of you."

"Yes, my big agent." Lin Anxin also laughed.

Just at this moment, Egret came out of the recording studio. When passing by the two of them, he gave Lin Anxin an unconvinced look.

She was about to pass by, but suddenly fell back, walked to Lin Anxin, clenched her fists, and said unwillingly, "Lin Anxin, I will definitely surpass you in the future!"


"You are not young now, and the most you can accomplish in this life is this. I am different, I have plenty of time! One day I will surpass you, and you will only be a supporting role next to me like I am today!" Egret's innocent face is filled with dissatisfaction and ambition.

I have to say, she looks very beautiful.

She is an innocent person that is rare in the entertainment industry. She has just left school, and there are people supporting her from behind. It is normal for her to be young and energetic.

But what she doesn't like the most is encouraging some people's arrogance!

Lin Anxin raised her eyebrows. With a simple movement, she performed a variety of beautiful and charming things, completely like a fairy. Her whole body was full of femininity that Egret did not have. "Little sister, if you don't like to be a supporting role, you don't have to follow me. Don't be shy and act nice. Also, as a "senior" in this circle, I would like to remind you that there is no shortage of beautiful girls in this circle. There are so many beautiful girls out there, but there are only a handful of them who can get away with it, do you know why?”

Egret was subconsciously bewitched by her, "Why?"

After she finished speaking, she realized that she was being led away by Lin Anxin, and her eyebrows rose in anger again.

Lin Anxin looked at her indifferently, "Because there is no shortage of beautiful girls in this circle, and there is also no shortage of girls younger and more beautiful than you who have just been admitted to the film academy and are waiting to join the circle. If you have time to yell at me here, why not Spend more time thinking about your acting skills. If you choose to sing in the future, be more low-key so that no one will help you when you are unlucky. She is so amazing. If she doesn’t like this or doesn’t like that, I don’t think she can surpass anyone in the future.”

"..." Bailu pursed her lips unconvinced, wanting to refute her words, but for some reason, she felt vaguely that what Lin Anxin said was the truth.

Shanni despised this kind of little girl from the bottom of her heart. Just as her cell phone rang, she took it out, glanced down at the caller ID, raised the corner of her mouth, and said to Lin Anxin teasingly, "Young Master Si called, I guess. It’s downstairs. Let’s go.”


Lin Anxin followed Shanni and turned around to leave.

Bailu stood there watching their walking figures, still holding her breath in her heart. She followed Lin Anxin quietly by accident.

When Lin Anxin walked outside the radio station, she happened to be hiding in the floor-to-ceiling window on the second floor. Through the glass, she could see an aristocratic man getting out of the luxury car parked at the door. He thoughtfully took the bag for her and opened the door. When he opened the car door, his doting eyes were so enviable.

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