Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2779 No need to pay penalty?

She couldn't help but think of herself and the man who had been supporting her in the past two years. For some reason, what Lin Anxin said before became more and more profound in her mind...

"Egret, why did you come here? What are you doing?"

Just then, her manager came over sweating profusely. There was a hint of displeasure in his tone, but he didn't look like he would let it out.

If it had been put before, she would definitely not be able to hear it.

She calmed down now, but she could hear the dissatisfaction and disdain in the other party's tone. She gritted her teeth, grimaced, and suddenly said, "Sign me up for an acting class. I want to learn acting again!"

"Um, my aunt, why did you suddenly think of this? You just came out of school. Now is a good time to develop your career. Is it possible that you have to go back to school again?" The agent couldn't figure out what was going on in her mind. What to think.

All Bai Lu can think about now is Lin Anxin, Lin Anxin's confidence and calmness, and the magnanimity in her body that she doesn't have. Her eyes became more determined, and she turned to look at her agent, "I'm not going back to school. Aren't there a lot of old people with good acting skills on the set? Find a few of them to be my teachers, and let them guide me when I don't have a schedule. Acting. The price is easy. I’m not short of money.”

There is a financial sponsor behind her, and the financial sponsor will still support her at least for now.

She wants to make the most of everything!

The agent knew that she had a young lady's temper. If she didn't agree to her now, she might cause trouble later. He was dissatisfied, so he agreed without complaint, "Okay, I'll help you find it."

"What other plans do I have next?" Bailu asked him, satisfied.

"The recording of a variety show and an online micro-live broadcast are gone today."

"Let's go."

The egret walked ahead.

The agent hurriedly followed her, increasingly confused as to what was going on in her mind. Before she came to participate in the recording of this radio program today, she was still complaining that her daily schedule was too full and she didn't want to go in the afternoon. Why did she suddenly become more proactive now?

Lin Anxin had no idea that just a few words of advice from him could make a little girl change her mind and prepare to become an actress.

After she got in the car, Shanni drove to the company to deal with the follow-up matters of the contract.

Si Chen handed her a cowhide bag and said, "I have terminated your cooperation with Xinghao. Here is the termination contract. Take a look."

"Oh." Lin Anxin took the cowhide bag, opened the contents, took a rough look, and raised his head in surprise, "Didn't you pay the liquidated damages?"

"Your contract was due to expire in five months. The other party said that they would like to maintain a good cooperative relationship with you in the future, so the liquidated damages issue was forgotten. However, the income from the movie you are currently filming is still included. It's within the contract." Si Chen slowly explained to her, "This situation is very common in cooperation. You don't have to think too much. If you feel you owe him something, it doesn't matter. I will pay it back and you don't have to worry about it. "

It's self-evident who he is.

Lin Anxin put away the contract, tilted his head, and calmly stopped him, "Didn't you say that this is very common in cooperation? Why should I feel indebted?"

Si Chen was so blocked that he almost didn't know how to answer. He paused for half a second, then held his forehead and said helplessly, "I'm just worried that you will feel guilty."

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