Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2780 Two wedding rings are prepared

"By the way, I have something for you. I didn't have time to prepare it last night."


Lin Anxin looked at him inexplicably.

Si Chen's thin lips touched, and a smile filled his peach blossom eyes, "Stretch out your hand."

"What?" Lin Anxin didn't know what was going on, but she still stretched out her hand.

"Not this hand, the other one."

Lin Anxin was really confused by him. He changed his hand and stretched out his left hand. Suddenly, a small cool circle slipped from her middle finger and landed coolly on the bottom.

Si Chen took his hand away, and when she lowered her head, she could see the super large pink heart-shaped diamond ring, "This is..."

Damn it! ! !

A pigeon egg this big would cost at least tens of millions.

Even thieves wouldn't bother to steal it if it were worn because it was so big that normal people would think it was just a decoration.

"Wedding ring."

Si Chen took out another ring box and opened it. There was also a unique and low-key platinum ring lying inside, "I prepared two, one for you to wear at the wedding and one for daily wear."

Lin Anxin moved her mouth, but she didn't know what to say, "...the financial owner."


"I was joking with you this morning. The 13-yuan Malatang is quite good. This kind of gift worth more than 10 million is a test of self-control. I'm afraid my heart is not good."

Si Chen held her hand and prevented her from taking off the ring and said, "Normally I wouldn't give you an expensive gift, but wedding rings are different. They are special gifts. They are only given once in a lifetime."



So flirty!

Lin Anxin glanced down at the overly large diamond ring in embarrassment, and took a step back, "This one is too big, can I change it to another one?"

"Okay." Si Chen released his hand and personally helped her put on the relatively low-key platinum ring.

Only then did Lin Anxin realize that he was wearing a ring of the same style on his hand, which should be a pair.

Wedding ring...

She also feels a bit ethereal and unreal.

But the cool touch of the ring on her middle finger reminded her that all this was true and they were really married.

"Okay, let's go." Si Chen put the ring on her finger, took her hand and kissed the back of her hand, then fastened his seat belt, stepped on the accelerator and said, "Mom is waiting for us in the restaurant."

Lin Anxin suddenly pulled away from the ambiguous atmosphere of the wedding ring, and the images of Su Yijiu and Su Yijiu appeared in his mind, and he suddenly became confused.

Last night she impulsively talked to this man about the evidence and even forgot about his mother.

It didn't matter that she was an orphan. Si Chen was different. Si Chen had a family and a family. They suddenly ran off to get married, and his parents didn't know yet. If you knew... Lin Anxin couldn't imagine how troublesome things would become.

The person driving seemed to see the uneasiness on her face and comforted her softly, "Don't worry, I already told my mother about our marriage, but she didn't say anything."

nonsense! Your marriage certificate has been stolen. Even if your mother is angry, she won't do anything to you. If you want to be angry, why not be angry with me.

Lin Anxin glanced at him, her shoulders not relaxing at all. It was tight all the way to the high-end restaurant where we ate. She was led into the restaurant by Si Chen and walked to a seat by the window, still looking very nervous.

"Mom." Si Chen greeted the elegant woman in the booth.

Su Yijiu turned around and glanced at them with no special expression, "Sit down."

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