Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2801 Something happened to the Huang family

Half a day later, General Huang was suddenly quietly taken away from the military compound by the Procuratorate.

Immediately afterwards, people from the Huang family in the Ministry of Finance were brought in one after another by people from the Procuratorate under various names, and the Huang family was in chaos.

Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Huang cried heartbrokenly. Because of her old age, Mrs. Huang couldn't bear such a big blow and almost fainted several times.

Fortunately, the family doctor stayed in the courtyard and kept Mrs. Huang's IV drip at all times, so she was fine.

The family was in a gloomy mood, and everyone's faces were filled with sadness.

Huang Xin, who was accustomed to being a second-generation ancestor, couldn't believe it from the beginning and impulsively went to the procuratorate to cause trouble. When he got to the back, he was slapped by Mrs. Huang, and was pulled by the crying Mrs. Huang to stay at home.

The house was full of crying, either crying or making various phone calls, and no one cared about him at all.

He sat on the sofa in a daze for an hour. He couldn't stand it anymore, so he gritted his teeth and took out his mobile phone to scroll through.

The address book on his mobile phone was full of his fair-weather friends who usually hung out with him. Now that something happened at home, he didn't know who to call. After much deliberation, he shamelessly slapped the son of the Deputy Bureau of Justice.


The phone just rang once and the other end immediately hung up.

Huang Xin couldn't believe it and hit him again.

This time the other side was more direct and shut down the phone directly.

"Paralysis! What the hell! When you begged me, you called me daddy. When you heard something happened at my house, you immediately stopped answering the phone." He was so angry that he raised his hand and just wanted to follow his previous violent temper and threw the phone.

But when he heard the crying at home, he gritted his teeth and held back. He took the phone again, kept his posture, and called all the numbers in the phone's address book.

After half an hour, the other party either didn't answer the phone or answered the phone. As soon as he said he wanted to help, he immediately found a reason to offend him.

In just half an hour, he experienced the harshness of the world and saw enough of the hypocrisy of human nature.

When the 18th person said that the other person was abroad and could not help, Huang Xin finally couldn't help but exploded, "Go abroad, I saw you in the bar last night. I'm asking you if you can help me! No!" Please don’t call me my friend anymore!”

The person on the other end of the phone didn't panic at all when he was exposed. He said frivolously, "I can't do anything after being exposed. Mr. Huang, we just get together to brag and spank. What friends say is too serious. , we are acquaintances at best.”

"I know your sister! What did you say last time when you asked me to borrow money to pay off gambling debts? You and I will be brothers for life. In the future, if I can get you, you will go to hell for me!" Huang Xin shouted angrily. Roar.

The person on the other end snorted and didn't even want to show off, and said, "Didn't I return the money to you later and treat you to a meal? What else do you want? Okay, I have to get busy. I don’t have time to argue with you anymore.”

"Get lost! Don't contact me again."

"If you don't contact me, I won't contact you." The man hung up the phone more quickly than he did.

Huang Xin couldn't take a breath again, and his whole body was shaking with anger.

MD! On the surface, these people talk about being good brothers, but when the critical moment comes, they all turn out to be cowards! No one is willing to stand up and help him!

There was also the sound of the old lady crying out of breath in the room, and the house was in a mess. He fell down on the sofa, bent his knees, buried his head in his knees, and held his head tightly, feeling extremely painful.

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