Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2802 Can’t find anyone to help

Ten minutes later, he raised his head again and picked up the mobile phone that he had thrown on the table in anger. He was so angry just now that he broke the screen of his phone.

"Is it broken?" He frowned and pressed it a few times, and found that it was fine and still usable.

He breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated, and dialed the number.

The "beep" sound sounded, and he was afraid that the person on the other side would hang up on him like the people before him.

Fortunately, after a few beeps, the phone was picked up.

"Hello." It was a woman's voice, very gentle.

Huang Xin felt unable to speak until the words reached his lips.

The person opposite noticed his embarrassment thoughtfully and asked proactively, "Did something happen to your family? Do you need my help?"

Huang Xin called all the phone numbers in the phone book today. This was the first time he heard that someone was willing to help, and he took the initiative to help. A grown man like him could hardly suppress his excitement, and he said with a sore chest, "Sister An Ran, can you help me find out what happened to my grandfather?"

He didn't want to call the woman he liked unless he had to.

But he tried to beg everyone he could, but it was all in vain.

The only one he could call was Enron.

An Ran's family also has some connections, but because the old man of the An family has retired long ago, the others have switched careers to become professors and go into business.

So only the relationship between the older generation remains.

All in all, the situation at An Ran's family was not as good as his.

"Of course." The person on the other end of the phone agreed, paused, and explained awkwardly, "You know the situation in my family. I will help you find my grandfather's friends and see if I can find out anything. situation. But don’t have too much hope, I don’t know how much I can find out.”

Huang Xin's heart was full of gratitude now, and he thanked her without thinking, "It doesn't matter, Sister An Ran, if you are willing to help me... I don't know what to say anymore. Thank you, really. Thank you. I appreciate your kindness." Will keep it in my heart! ”

There are too many people who are the icing on the cake, but few who are helping in times of need.

He was really grateful that An Ran was willing to answer his call and help him find a solution.

Ever since something happened suddenly at home, he has been in a state of confusion. Her help is not only a hope for him, but also a spiritual sustenance to support him.

Huang Xin was excited.

The person on the other end of the phone suddenly asked, "By the way, have you called Ah Chen?"

Huang Xin suddenly came to his senses, hesitated and said, "...No. He seems to have encountered something, and I don't have the nerve to disturb him."

He had watched the news on TV this morning. It seemed that Si Chen's girlfriend had been shot.

An Ran said seemingly unintentionally, "Why don't you call Ah Shen and ask him to come out and ask. His current network of connections is stronger than the two of us combined. If he is willing to help, things will be much easier to handle." "

"But I..." He was embarrassed to ask Si Chen for help. This was no small matter.

"Let's do this. You ask him out. You two can drink some water first. You can take care of him and how his girlfriend is doing. Then call me and I'll tell him for you."

Huang Xin vaguely felt something was wrong, but couldn't figure out what was wrong with her words, "Isn't this bad?"

"Don't you want to find out what happened to your family? Your grandma is so old. If you figure things out, the old man won't be so worried." An Ran said exactly what he was most worried about.

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