Huang Xin hesitated, gritted his teeth, and agreed, "Okay, I'll give Si Chen a call, but I don't know if he is willing to come out."

An Ran said in an unclear voice on the other end of the phone, "Don't worry, he will definitely come out. He is not the kind of person who would just watch his friends encounter difficulties without extending a hand."

Even if Si Chen had a reason not to help, he would come out and explain clearly to Huang Xin why he refused to help.

This man has been a passionate person at heart since he was a child!

Yes to friends, but also to relationships!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have rushed to the scene of the car accident to help her take the blame just because of her phone call. Even though she was surrounded and bombarded by so many media, she was not confessed...

It's a pity that she thought that she could keep Si Chen's love forever.

Who knew that Cheng Yaojin would suddenly come out in the middle and steal the youthful joy that originally belonged to her!

"As long as you call him, he will definitely come out." She continued to wash Huang Xin's mind, and agreed on a place to meet later, and she went to prepare first.

Huang Xin hung up the phone and felt a lot more relaxed. Although he felt a little sorry, he still called Si Chen as An Ran said.

Sure enough, just as An Ran said, Si Chen agreed.

He immediately became more relaxed, told Si Chen the address of the tavern, picked up his motorcycle jacket, and was about to go out.

When Mrs. Huang saw him about to leave, her eyes were red and swollen, she frowned and grabbed him. She couldn't hide her anger and shouted, "Where are you going to go crazy? The house is already in such a mess, please forgive me. You, please stop causing trouble for me!"

This was the first time that Huang Xin saw his mother looking so disheveled and haggard. My heart tightened, and I became more determined to ask Si Chen. I pulled her hand away and said, "I'm not going out to play. I'm going to find a friend for help."

Mrs. Huang didn't believe it, "Those of your friends are just bad friends, who can help you? Don't come back to me if you cause trouble. Now your grandfather and your father have gone in. If you cause trouble, no one can help you anymore."

Huang Xin was a little unhappy that she didn't believe him, so he retorted unhappily, "Don't worry about it, he is a friend who can help me anyway. I have been promised to come out. I will go see him first and ask him to help me find out who Grandpa and the others are. what's going on."

Mrs. Huang still held his hand and wouldn't let go, obviously worried.

Huang Xin looked at her helplessly, "Mom, I am the only man in our family now. You and grandma are crying, you can't let me stay at home with you and cry, right? There is always someone in the family who will stand up. , I just have to stand up. Don’t worry, I’ll ask questions and come back soon.”

"You must at least tell me which friend you are looking for." Mrs. Huang was already moved by his persuasion and whispered.

If Huang Xin didn't tell her, she wouldn't let herself go out today. I simply told her, "It's Si Chen. I called Sister An Ran, and Sister An Ran promised to help us find connections to find out about Grandpa and the others. But she said that the connections on her side may not be clear, and she asked me I called Si Chen and asked if he could help. Si Chen agreed and came out. He is the person I am waiting to see. "

"You mean An Ran?" Mrs. Huang didn't know what she thought of. A trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, and she said after a while, "You should have less contact with her. She is not the kind of girl you thought. You'd better be careful, don't Intervene in her and Si Chen's affairs."

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