But An Ran knew very well that Li Beijue did not need to respect her.

In front of this man, she was not even an ant. Now because I doubt her, I'm afraid I hate her even more!

She quietly took a few deep breaths to make herself look calmer, and pursed her lips, "Didn't you see that when Mr. Li came in just now?"

"I only saw Si Chen passed out." Li Beijue said with an indifferent expression.

An Ran, "He drank too much and was drunk. I originally wanted to take him back. But he seemed to be very uncomfortable, so I found an apartment nearby. After that, we had sex. He was tired and drunk. He's gone, not passed out."

This excuse is watertight.

It's a pity that Li Beijue is not the kind of person who can talk logically. He looks at things and solves problems differently from ordinary people. He looked at the problem very directly and solved it directly from the root cause, "Oh. Whether he has fainted or not, I can judge by myself. You don't have to pretend in front of me. I have already asked the doctor to come over. When he comes out, the doctor will give him Take a blood test and find out what's in his blood. Is he drunk or was he set up?"

When An Ran heard the last three words, her calm expression showed a trace of cracked anxiety. She pinched her palm tightly to calm down a little and faced this man without trembling in fear, "Even if it's harsh, Can it always be proved that he is not drunk, and that we have not had sex? "

She used a very mean but very effective method to mislead everyone. She was not afraid of the doctor coming. Even if the doctor came, she was 70% sure that the doctor would determine that she and Si Chen had a relationship.

She knew that the drugging matter could not be hidden, and these Si Chen could find countless loopholes if they woke up and just checked.

She doesn't have to admit it, she bites him to death without knowing it, and she doesn't know who put the medicine in his wine. Anyway, the bartender has gone abroad now, and they will definitely not be able to find anyone for a while. And she 'had sex' with him, and what she wanted to achieve was achieved.

An Ran comforted herself in this way, but actually there was a corner in her heart that was extremely nervous.

If she really had sex with Si Chen as planned, she would definitely not be so nervous, but damn, she couldn't go according to plan in the end. In the end, I had to use a little trick to cheat. What is fake is fake, and there is always the possibility of being exposed.

Once exposed, she had done so much and it would be better to do nothing in the first place. At least you don't have to be discovered, and from now on you don't even have to do it to people you know.

So she has no way out now.

"Everything I said is true. Mr. Li also said that he called the doctor. We will know all this after checking." An Ran bit her to death and fell asleep with Si Shen. She looked calm and generous, and it was impossible to tell that she was lying. .

Even Huo Yi frowned and believed it.

But the distinguished man sitting on the sofa didn't even move his eyebrows, and replied to her with three words, "I don't believe it!"

"Mr. Li doesn't believe it can be checked by a doctor."

"Hi." Li Beijue sneered, and his sarcastic gaze fell on her, as if he was looking at rubbish. "If you don't tell me, I will have someone check it. However, even if the results of the check are really what you said, I will Do not believe."


"Because I don't believe he would be so hungry that he would even touch a woman like you!"

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