Because I don’t believe he would be so greedy that he would even touch a woman like you!

Huo Yi felt that his lordship was too cruel.

This is so embarrassing to say.

He glanced at An Ran's reaction. Sure enough, his face was pale and he looked miserable...

From a man's perspective, he had just seen Mr. Si and this woman lying on the same bed so ambiguously, and he really suspected that something happened between them.

But now after hearing what Li Beijue said, he became wavering.

He could see Mr. Si's feelings for Miss An An. Although he was not as paranoid as the lord, he was definitely in love with someone.

He really didn't believe it if Mr. Si cheated on other women.

The personal doctor came quickly, and the bodyguard took him directly into the bedroom to examine Si Chen. Li Beijue didn't speak in the living room. An Ran was slapped in the face so hard that he didn't dare to speak easily. He could only stand there in embarrassment, waiting for the doctor's examination results.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Every second seemed extremely long to her.

She was waiting in agony for the results to come out, but she didn't dare to show her suffering. It was undoubtedly a kind of torture for people.


Someone came out of the bedroom. The person who had been drugged and fainted came out with the help of the bodyguard. He held his forehead with one hand, as if he had a headache.

"Master Si, please sit down." Huo Yi asked the bodyguard to help him to rest on the sofa, and poured him a glass of water, "Drink some water."

"Thank you." Si Chen took the water glass, raised his head and drank.

The doctor who just went in to examine Si Chen glanced at Li Beijue and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li, I just examined Young Master Si. His condition looks very much like someone has administered aphrodisiac drugs. The amount is not low. There is a 70% chance that Master Si has had a relationship with Miss An."

Judging from the results of his examination, he actually wanted to say it was 100%, but he didn't dare to say it too fully.

Si Chen just woke up after the doctor gave him a dose of cardiotonic drug, but he still had a splitting headache and didn't get used to it. Suddenly hearing the doctor's words, he raised his head suddenly, and the water glass in his hand slipped and fell to the ground. It fell to pieces, "What did you say?"

Only then did he notice that An Ran was wrapped in a thin quilt, and she seemed to be standing there without wearing anything underneath.

And the place he was in wasn't a bar, it looked more like a hotel or something like that.

The tips of his fingers trembled violently, and his pupils shrank into pinpoint awns!

The doctor didn't know how to explain his test results to him in front of so many people, "Mr. Si, there is a 70% chance that you have had a relationship with Miss An..."

"Impossible!" Si Chen suddenly interrupted him, "I know very well that I didn't touch her!"

His body had never betrayed Lin Anxin's feeling. If he really did it, there was no way he wouldn't feel it at all!

"Well... Mr. Si, you have been drugged. That kind of drug may cause you to lose your mind. The amount of the drug you took is unclear. When I first came here, you were in a state of unconsciousness. In this case, I I think you may not be able to judge your own behavior, so..." The doctor explained to him in strict terms.

Si Chen didn't listen to a word he said, "Even if I can't judge my own behavior, as a man, will I not know whether I have done it or not?"

He didn't do it!

His gut told him he hadn't done it!

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